We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Insert the Jira chart macro

If your Confluence site is connected to a Jira application, you can display issues as charts on Confluence pages. You can connect Confluence to any Jira application, including Jira and Jira Service Management. 

Adding the Jira Chart macro to a page

To add a Jira chart macro:

  1. When editing, select from the toolbar

  2. Find the macro by name and select it

  3. Configure it as needed

You can also type / on the page to bring up the same list you'd see by selecting from the toolbar. Continue typing the name of the macro to filter the list.

Pie chart

Pie charts can be used to report on issue status, priority, assignee and more. 

To further control how this chart appears on your page. Choose Display options:

  • Chart by - select the field you want to segment the pie chart by such as:

    • Status

    • Fix version

    • Assignee name

    • Priority

    • Component

    • Issue type

  • Width - define the total width of the chart area. You can enter values in pixels, percent or leave blank to auto fit. 

  • Show border - add a border around the chart area.

  • Show chart information - include a text summary under the chart with the total issues count and chart by value. 

Created vs Resolved chart

Created vs Resolved charts can be used to show the difference between the number of issues created versus the number of issues resolved over time.

To further control how this chart appears on your page choose Display options:

  • Period - choose a time frame to report by (week, month, quarter etc).

  • Days previously - the total number of days to report on (counting back from today).

  • Cumulative totals - choose to progressively add totals or report individual values for each period.

  • Show unresolved trend - add a subplot showing unresolved issues over time.

  • Show versions - indicate version release dates as a vertical line on the chart.

  • Width - define the total width of the chart area. Enter values in pixels, percent or leave blank to auto fit. 

  • Show border - add a border around the chart area

  • Show chart information - include a text summary under the chart with the total issues count and chart by value. 

Two Dimensional Chart

Two Dimensional Charts can be used to show issue statistics in a matrix. You can configure the X and Y axes to display these issue fields:

  • Status

  • Priority

  • Assignee

  • Fix version

  • Component

  • Issue type.

For example you could use the chart to show issue types by status (as shown above). 

To configure the chart axes choose Display options:

  • X Axis - the issue field to display on the X axis (columns).

  • Y Axis - the issue field to display on the Y axis (rows). 

  • Rows to display - the maximum number to display in the chart. 

Disabling the Jira Chart macro

The functionality is provided by an add-on (plugin) called 'Jira Macros'. This macro is also used for the Jira Issues macro. To make the macro unavailable on your site, you can disable the add-on. See Disabling and enabling apps.

Authentication — If the query includes issues that require authentication (issues that are not visible to anonymous users in Jira), users will be prompted to authenticate to view charts on the Confluence page.    


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