Release Notes 1.0rc2

Confluence 1.0rc2

After a week of frantic bug-fixing, we have released Confluence 1.0 Release Candidate 2. Thanks everyone for reporting all the bugs they found in RC1. While we really hope you'll keep reporting anything you find that doesn't work, we're also hoping that there's a lot less to report now.

We have released RC2 because it's a lot more stable than RC1. We know a lot of you are already using Confluence in some kind of production capacity, and we don't want to keep you waiting for the important fixes that we put in this week.

Since we're in the middle of a feature freeze, there obviously aren't any new major features in this release, but there are a number of incremental improvements, and a lot of fixes.

But first, a...


If you are upgrading from Confluence 1.0rc1, do not perform a backup of your data from within Confluence. There was a serious bug with RC1 that caused user permissions to be corrupted during data exports.

There have been no database changes between RC1 and RC2, so you should simply be able to run RC2 against your existing data without performing a backup/restore.

If you wish to back your data up safely before the upgrade, you will need to do so manually: shut down Confluence, make a copy of your Confluence home directory (as defined in, and if you are storing your data in something other than HSQL, use your database's native backup procedure.

h4. Contents

  1. Improvements
  2. Other Bug Fixes
  3. Other Outstanding Issues

See also: Issues Resolved for 1.0rc2


* Remote XML-RPC and SOAP APIs now have a {{getPermissions()}} method
* \{noformat\} macro accepts a title parameter
* Page view and create links are no longer displayed if the user does not have permission to view or create the destination page.
* When you create a page from viewing a previous page, you are given another chance to make that page the new page's parent.
* RSS and HTML include macros use HTML proxies if they are defined using the standard Java {{http.proxyHost}} and {{http.proxyPort}} system properties.
* Default session timeout is now 60 minutes
* Improvements to user browser and user profile page UI
* Shortcut link definitions are now backed up and restored

Notable Bug-fixes


We've done a lot of work tracking down the source of any exception and page error that has been reported to us, and fixing their causes. We've also made one or two improvements to the error reporting page, but we're hoping you won't see it nearly as often (if at all) any more.

Page Templates

The creation, editing and deletion of page templates should now be a lot more reliable and provide a smoother user experience.


* You no longer have to restart Confluence after its initial setup
* Performing a full data export no longer corrupts users' group membership data:
* You can now link to profiles of users with an @ symbol in their usernames:
* Trying to create a page with illegal characters in its name no longer loses your page content on some browsers:
* Trackback pings are now sent for URLs that are not surrounded by square brackets:
* And, of course, many more.

Outstanding Issues

The two major areas we still need to work on are the PDF export and the use of non-ASCII characters in pages (especially page titles). Handling of both are much better than they were a week ago, but there's still some work to do before they're completely reliable.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2011

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