Release Notes 1.1.1

Confluence 1.1.1 is a maintenance release that fixes some bugs regarding attachments, page links and notifications. Remember, a Confluence license entitles you to a year of upgrades, and this upgrade along with future updates will be free of charge.

Who should upgrade?

This release mainly fixes the bugs discovered in our recent 1.1 release. The major issues resolved are listed below, or you can see the full list here. As some of the issues resolved have a significant impact on the user experience of Confluence, we recommend that anyone currently running 1.1 upgrade to 1.1.1.

Upgrade Procedure

  1. Shut down the Confluence server
  2. Back up confluence/WEB-INF/classes/, and if you have customized it, confluence/WEB-INF/classes/osuser.xml
  3. Unpack Confluence 1.1.1 in the same location as your existing Confluence installation
  4. Restore the two files you backed up in step 1 to the 1.1.1 installation.
  5. Start Confluence

To avoid the possibility of data-loss, you should back up your ConfluenceHome directory and your database before upgrading, and perform a full backup from within the application.

Changes in 1.1.1

Attachment fixes

  • Attachment versioning introduced a new table in Confluence that had a column whose name conflicted with some databases like Sybase
  • Links to older version of attachments could not be accessed if the webapp was deployed with a context path
  • Attaching files that contained '+' and '&' symbols caused certain pages in Confluence to break

These have been fixed in 1.1.1.

Notification fixes

Users opting to receive html formatted email received emails with the correct subject but no content. In addition, the "View Changes" link in the daily change email was broken. These are now fixed.

Email Server fixes

An upgrade to an email component used in Confluence in 1.1, caused an error to be displayed when users attempted to modify their email server settings. An upgrade has been added in 1.1.1 that will fix this problem to save users from having to perform the fix manually.

Export to PDF fix

Spaces labeled with names containing an '&' symbol could not be exported to PDF. This has been fixed.

Wiki Notation fix

The notation for a horizontal ruler was changed to five dashes (up from 4) in 1.1. This stopped the ruler from showing. This has been changed back in 1.1.1.

Last modified on May 27, 2016

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