What's New in 1.3

Many of the changes between Confluence 1.2 and 1.3 are really of interest only to Confluence administrators. Here we detail the changes that will be important to all Confluence users.

The Trash

Previously, when you deleted a page or blog post, it was unrecoverable. In 1.3, deleting a page moves it to the Trash. Space administrators can retrieve pages from the trash, or purge them forever. If a page has been deleted (or you have deleted a page by mistake), contact a space administrator to get it back.

Note Macros

There are new macros for inserting colored notes into a page:


This is a note

A note tells you about something that may be important to you.


tip/resting Created with Sketch.

This is a tip

A tip tells you something you might not have thought of yourself.


This is informative

Info was an excuse to have a blue note.



Warnings can be dangerous if overused, because people start ignoring them.


Mail Archiving

Confluence now includes the capability to store email. This allows you to store mailing-list archives, or records of conversations amongst your team inside Confluence. Mail archiving must be set up by a space administrator.

All mail is indexed, but by default we exclude it from search results because the volume of email can often overwhelm the content of the Confluence site. When you do a search, you might see a reminder that there could be an answer to your question in the email archives.

To link to an email from a Confluence page, you must find the numeric ID of that mail from the end of its URL, and put that in your link.

Improved JIRA Macros

The {jiraissues} macro has two new optional parameters:

  • count=true makes the macro only return the number of issues matched by your filter, not the whole list of issues
  • cache=off makes the macro retrieve the filter results from JIRA every time the page is loaded, ensuring the results are accurate. (Be careful if the filter returns a lot of results, though, you don't want to overload your servers)

There is a new {jiraportlet} macro that allows you to retrieve any portlet from a server running JIRA 3, and display it in a Confluence page.

Easy Column Layout

You can use the {section} and {column} macros to organize your page into columns. This is especially useful when you combine it with the {jiraportlet} macro: you can arrange a Confluence page just like a JIRA dashboard!

Here's a simple two-column layout:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetur. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetur. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.


Other Things

  • Take a look at how the space summary page has been reorganized
  • If you hit alt-E on any wiki page or blog post (ctrl-E if you're using a Mac), you'll be taken to the edit page.
  • If you start a link with three slashes, you can link to something relative to the root of the Confluence installation. This is useful for creating links to pages that are part of Confluence, such as the dashboard ([///]), or the space list ([///spaces/listspaces.action]).
  • The {excerpt} macro can take a hidden=true parameter to hide the contents of the excerpt within the page
  • The {excerpt-include} macro can take a nopanel=true parameter to display the excerpt without any decoration or tables
Last modified on Aug 11, 2016

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