2.2.2 Improve Collaboration

From the start, Jira was built for distributed teams and boasts a number of key collaboration features:
  • Commenting allows users to exchange information quickly within an issue-context so that all relevant users are kept informed. Also, mentioning another user within a comment will automatically send a notification to the person addressed.
  • Activity streams enable users of all different role types to selectively be informed about relevant updates or comments on issues. With Jira 5, the activity stream also displays the relevant updates of integrated applications (e.g. Bamboo, Fisheye).
  • Enterprise teams often work across the globe in different time zones. That is why in Jira, all timestamps are time zone-sensitive, allowing users to see the local time of issue updates, comments, etc.
  • Filters, created from simple or advanced searches can be saved and shared with specific users, a user group or all the users with access to the project.
  • All users in Jira automatically have profiles that display their recent activity and the issues reported by and assigned to them.
  • Complex search queries also enable users to make those tickets visible where unusual activity has taken place, such as ticket ping-pong between users or teams or work that has been stopped.

Steps to demonstrate


  1. Open three browser windows and log in Jira with user A, user B and user C. You can either use different browsers or one browser that supports different user profiles, such as Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Open the respective email clients as well to demonstrate the notification functionality.
  3. Browse to an issue that is assigned to user A and user B has reported.
  4. Let user A comment 'I'm facing a challenge here with reproducing the issue'.
  5. Show that user B has received the notification and then opens the Jira link provided in the email.
  6. Now, let user B write a comment '@User C, didn't you mention the other day that you experienced the same? Can you give us your steps to reproduce?'
  7. Show that User C, although not assigned to or watching the ticket receives a notification.

Activity Streams:

  1. As user B, open the dashboard and add the activity stream for the project that was just edited. Show how the activity that was produced in the commenting scenario was documented. Point out the different time zones that are added to the timestamps of each update.
  2. Select the name of User A to enter the respective profile. Look at the activity stream, the issues assigned, etc.
  3. Optional: Make sure that a confluence system is connected and make User B create a page after the commenting activity. Show, how this new page shows up in the Jira activity stream.

Saving and sharing a complex filter:

  1. Open 'issues' and select a query that shows the issues that were resolved within the last week. You can do that by entering the following JQL statement: 'resolved >= -1w'.
  2. Now, at the left of the screen, save the search as a filter and name it 'Resolved within last week'.
  3. Then, share the filter with a group.

Demonstration requirements

You will need to create three user accounts in your demonstration system and one ticket on which the commenting shall take place. Also, the users should have separate email inboxes through which the notification features can be demonstrated.

Demonstration on Jira.Atlassian.com

Open Jira.atlassian.com and log in with your Atlassian Jira user account.

Due to the necessity of write action, we do not recommend the demonstration of notifications on the live Jira.Atlassian.com instance. You can however, show existing discussions like the one in the following issue as an example.

Activity Stream:

  1. Open http://Jira.atlassian.com
  2. Make sure that the activity stream is configured to display updates from Jira and at least one Confluence system. Then, scroll through the activity stream and show the various updates on Jira issues and confluence pages.

Shared Filters:

  1. Visit the popular filters and open the 'All Jira Issues - Needs Verification', or 'JQL Unresolved Issues' filters.

Further documentation

Last modified on Mar 3, 2014

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