2.3.2 Generate Better Dashboards And Reports for your ALM

Built-in Filters:
Jira comes out of the box with various in-built filters that cover standard issue management reports such as ""Assigned to current user"", ""Reported by current user"", etc.

Custom Filters:
Next to the standard filters, it is also possible to save any simple, smart, advanced or JQL driven search query as a filter for the user's own use or to share it with colleagues, groups or the entire project.

The dashboard allows the creation of one or many gadget-driven report pages. Jira comes with a myriad of reporting gadgets such as dynamic lists, pie charts, etc. Additionally, 3rd party reports and gadgets can be obtained from Add-on Exchange (e.g. Timesheet reports, Gantt charts, MS Project Add-on, ). The gadgets can be fed with any standard or custom filter. Creating multiple dashboards is especially useful if the user has different roles in one or many projects as each report page can be tailored to the particular use case's needs.

Self-Service / Interoperability:
Every filter can be consumed in different formats including MS World, PDF, Excel, Jira API, RSS feeds, etc. That way, it is possible to easily export Jira data to analyze it in any 3rd party application.

Wallboard / Information Radiator:
Increasingly popular with teams are information radiators - large plasma screens at the wok place that contain live feeds of key information. Jira now has a visualization feature to display summarized statistics of issues in a wallboard mode.

Steps to demonstrate

Built-in Filters:

  1. Click on 'Project' in the top navigation bar of Jira and enter the project you are using for demonstration
  2. See the tabs on the right hand side. Click through 'Summary', 'Issues' and 'Roadmap' to gain a basic understanding of the project scale.
  3. Hover over 'Filters' and choose 'Resolved recently'
  4. Hover over 'Reports' and choose 'Resolution Time Report'. Select the Jira project and run the report.

Custom Filters:

  1. Click on 'Issues' in the top navigation bar of Jira
  2. Enter the JQL query 'status was in ('progress', 'open')
  3. On the left hand side, select 'Save' and save the filter as 'worked stopped'


  1. Open the Dashboard and create a new one called 'PM'
  2. Add a report gadget and select the filter previously created for 'worked stopped'. You now have a report gadget that shows all issues were work was started but stopped.
  3. Add an additional project gadget. Please see the steps in this page for details.
  4. Add yet another gadget to show issues assigned to the current user. Please see this site for more information.
  5. Optional: Create a page 'Project report' in a connected confluence system and add the gadget there as well.

Self-Service / Interoperability:

  1. Click on 'issues' and search for all unresolved tickets.
  2. Click on 'View' and select Excel export (all fields)
  3. Open the generated file in MS Excel and run a pivot table report over the generated data. You can now quickly count issues by assignee, status, etc

Demonstration requirements

If you want to demonstrate the reporting functionality in your own demonstration system, then you will need sufficient amount of issues. You can either migrate issues from your existing issue tracking system or create example content manually.

Demonstration on Jira.Atlassian.com

Especially for this benefit, Jira.atlassian.com is a great way to demonstrate Jira's capabilities as one can leverage the thousands of existing issues.

Built-in reports and filters:

  1. Click on 'Project' in the top navigation bar of Jira and enter the project 'JRE' (Jira)
  2. See the tabs on the right hand side. Click through 'Summary', 'Issues' and 'Roadmap' to gain a basic understanding of the project scale.
  3. Hover over 'Filters' and choose 'Resolved recently'
  4. Hover over 'Reports' and choose 'Resolution Time Report'. Select the Jira project and run the report.


  1. Log into Jira.atlassian.com with your user name.
  2. Create a new Dashboard called 'High Level'
  3. On the left hand side, click 'add a new gadget'
  4. From the gadget selection window, add the gadget 'Heat Map', 'Pie Chart' and 'Pie Chart', then click finished.
  5. For all selected gadgets, select 'Jira' as the project to analyze, then select statistic type 'Priority' for Heat Map, 'Issue Type' for the first pie chart and 'Resolution' for the second Pie chart. You now have the left hand side of your dashboard configured.

Custom Filters:

  1. On the right side, add the gadget 'Filtered Results' twice.
  2. For the first gadget, select the filter and search for 'Top Voted Jira Issues' (include the single quotes in your search query). Leave all the other parameters as they are.
  3. For the second gadget, select the filter and search for 'Prioritized issues work has been stopped on'. Also leave the other parameters as they are.
  4. You have now created a high level dashboard during your demonstration.

Wallboard / Information Radiator:

  1. Using the dashboard that was just created, select 'Tools' at the top right of the Dashboard view and select 'View as Wallboard'. Select a full-screen or presentation feature in your browser to preview how a larger Information Radiator would look like.
  2. Optionally, you can also create a new 'Wallboard' dashboard page and add specific wallboard gadgets.

Self-Service / Interoperability:

  1. Filter all issues in Jira.atlassian.com that are 'in progress'. You can do this through the simple search by selecting the ticket status or by entering the following JQL statement: status = 'in progress'
  2. Now, you should have 100-400 issues which you would want to analyze further in excel. Hover over 'View' and select 'Excel (all fields)' which should download the XLS file.
  3. Open the file in Excel, select the complete table and generate a Pivot Table. Important is to start selecting the table in line 4 and end at the second last line. Excel will not accept the merged cells in line 3 and the last line (grey background).
  4. As you have the pivot table created, you can now aggregate different columns such as assignee, version, etc.

Further documentation

Last modified on Mar 3, 2014

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