Searching Fisheye

Fisheye has a powerful search engine that allows you to find changesets, committers and files. There are two methods for searching in Fisheye:

Quick Search

  • Searches across all repositories connected to Fisheye.
  • Suggests "quick nav" results as you type.

Advanced Search

Use Quick Search

Simply enter your search criteria in the search box in the Fisheye header to search across file, repository, committer and user names, as well as commit messages and reviews (if you are using Crucible with Fisheye).

  • Use search tools and filters to refine your results. See Refining your Quick Search Criteria and Filtering Quick Search Results below.
  • Results are weighted by edit date; files edited within the last twelve months are given greater weighting.
  • There is a 100-repository limit on searches, to prevent Fisheye becoming unresponsive when there are large numbers of repositories. Fisheye will also limit the search to the specific repository that you are looking at, if you are already navigating within a specific repository
  • If Fisheye is integrated with Jira you can see a summary of a Jira issue in your search results by hovering over the issue key. See Jira Integration in Fisheye.
  • See also Searching Crucible in the Crucible documentation.

Refine your Quick Search criteria

The Fisheye Quick Search has a number of powerful tools that you can use to refine your search criteria before executing the search.




CamelCase pattern matching

Enter a CamelCase pattern to find matching files and directories.

BooQCTest returns results like BooleanQueryCoordTest

and BooleanQueryClassTest.

Path/File pattern matching

Enter a path/file pattern to find matching files and directories.

common/final/Actions returns results like /src/common/eu/systemworks/specialprojects/final/

Field handles

Use a field handle to restrict your search to a particular field:

  • file — file/directory names
  • commit — commit messages
  • diff — lines added/removed
  • content — file contents
  • committer — committer names

file:build.xml returns files with names matching build.xml.

Search within a directory

Use AntGlobs to search a specific directory.

Search for /src/**/gwt/*.xml and Fisheye will return all files with a .xml suffix

that are below both a src and a gwt directory. e.g. src/java/com/atlassian/fecru/gwt/FecruCore.gwt.xml but not src/java/com/atlassian/fecru/ApplicationContext.xml

Search for discrete phrases

Enter a phrase in quotation marks.

Not case-sensitive.

"update version in build" returns matches for the exact string, i.e. it will not return "update build version" or "update version in file".

Filter Quick Search results

Once you have a set of search results on the Quick Search page, you can filter them to a subset of the original results. The filter controls are in the left panel of the Quick Search page in the 'Source' section.



All repositories

By default, searches across all repositories.

Choose a repo to restrict the search to just that one. For example, if you enter 'FE' then the search results page will refresh to display only files and directories in the 'FE' repository.

Files and directories

Filter your results to files and directories that have names that match the search criteria, see details below.

Commit messages

Filter your results to changeset comments that match the search criteria.


Filter your results to diffs (lines added/removed) that match the search criteria.


Filter your results to files that have content that match the search criteria, see details below.


Filter your results to committers that match the search criteria.

All projectsWhen using Crucible with Fisheye, there is a 'Reviews' section. The All projects dropdown allows you to filter reviews returned in the search results. See Searching Crucible.
ReviewsSearch in reviews
CommentsSearch for review comments
Last modifiedFilter by the date of the last change.
AuthorFilter by author name.

Use Advanced Search

The Advanced Search can only be run against a specific repository, however you can specify more precise criteria against a number of fields for that repository.

  1. Navigate to the repository that you want to search, as described in Browsing through a repository.
  2. Click the Search tab.
  3. Enter your search criteria:

Use Switch to EyeQL Search and Switch to Standard Search at the bottom of the 'Search Criteria' panel to toggle between the two search methods.

Specify criteria using the search interface

The Advanced Search interface allows you to specify search criteria for multiple fields, order the results, group the results and choose the display fields in the results. You can link to the search results, as well as save the results to a CSV file.

Please note the following:

  • Contents — Files must be non-binary, less than 5MB, and for SVN repositories, on trunk only. Only HEAD/tip revisions are searched. For older revisions, use the added/removed text search criteria.
  • File names — Antglobs can be used to specify the criteria for this field.

Specify criteria using EyeQL

Advanced Search also allows you to run searches using Fisheye's powerful EyeQL query language.

Click Switch to EyeQL Search at the bottom of the 'Search Criteria' panel.

See the EyeQL reference guide for more information. If you're unfamiliar with EyeQL, consider using the Standard Search Interface to build your initial query, then switch to EyeQL to modify that.

SVN Caveat

When the SVN indexing pipeline was implemented, the architectural decision to limit file content indexing to files located within trunk or root was made. This decision was based on the desire to maintain indexing performance and curtail index size as much as possible eg. a repository with many branches would take a very long time to index and the resulting index could be quite large.

More details on this are provided in this publicly available feature request: FE-7424 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Last modified on Aug 20, 2024

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