Viewing the changelog

The changelog is a record of the commits and reviews for a repository, branch, directory or file. You can view the recent activity in the changelog when browsing a repository/branch/directory.

On this page:

View changelog activity

  1. Browse to the desired repository, branch, or directory.
  2. Use the branch/tag picker (under the repository or file name) to change context, if required.
  3. Click the Activity tab. 
  4. Use the following functions of the Activity tab to see different aspects of the changelog activity:

    AllClick to show commits, reviews (requires integration with Crucible) and Jira issues (requires integration with Jira) activity in the activity stream.
    CommitsClick to show only commits in the activity stream.
    ReviewsShow only review activity. (Requires integration with Crucible)
    Filter commitsSee Filter commit activity in the changelog (below) for more information.
    Expand allShow all modified files related to each changeset.
    Scroll to changesetEnter a changeset ID (e.g. 107856) to scroll to that changeset in the activity stream. 

Filter commit activity in the changelog

You can filter the commits that are displayed in the activity streams on the All and Commits tabs of the Activity tab. Note that you cannot use the commits filter to filter reviews.

  1. Go to the Activity tab, as described above. 
  2. When viewing either the All or Commits tab, click Filter commits
  3. Enter filtering criteria:

    CommitterChangesets checked in by the given committer/author.
    Log CommentChangesets where the commit comment matches the given text.
    File ExtensionChangesets that contain files with the specified file extension.
    File NameChangesets that contain a given file.
    Start DateChangesets created on or after that date. Must be of the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY (you can use '/' instead of '-').
    End DateChangesets created on or before that date. Must be of the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY (you can use '/' instead of '-').
  4. Click Apply.
    • Use Clear to clear the filter.
    • Click Filter commits again to turn off the filter.

Watch the changelog activity

You can "watch" a changelog's activity stream in Fisheye and Crucible. Watching the activity stream means that you receive emails when updates occur in the activity stream. You can even add filtering criteria for the watch, so for example you can restrict watches for commits by a particular user.

Note, the option to add a watch will only be available if the administrator has enabled watches for the repository.

  1. Navigate to the activity stream that you want to watch, as described above.
  2. If required, add filtering criteria, as described in the Filter commit activity in the changelog section above, and click Apply.
  3. Choose Tools > Watch

To remove the watch from the activity stream, choose Tools > Unwatch. The watch will be removed. 

You can also view all of your watches, configure the frequency of your watch emails, and remove watches, in your user profile. See Changing your user profile for more information.

Last modified on Mar 30, 2020

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