Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

Your board's filter is a JIRA issue filter (a JQL query) that specifies which issues are displayed on your board.

(info) Note that only the owner of a board (or a person with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission) can configure a board's filter.

Choosing a Board's Filter

To choose which filter is associated with your board:

  1. Select Agile > Manage Boards from the top navigation bar, then click the Configure link corresponding to the board of interest.
  2. Click the Filter tab.
  3. Click the 'pencil' icon (which will appear when you hover over the name of the Saved Filter) to choose a different filter for your board. Press the 'Enter' key when finished.

Screenshot 1: the 'Board Configuration' screen — 'Filter' tab (click to enlarge).


Editing a Board's Filter

To edit the filter which is currently associated with your board:

  1. Select Agile > Manage Boards from the top navigation bar, then click the Configure link corresponding to the board of interest.
  2. Click the Filter tab.
  3. Click Edit Filter. This will take you to the JIRA 'Edit Current Filter' screen, where you can change the filter's name, description, shares, and JQL query.
    (info) For more details, see the JIRA documentation on issue filters and JQL.

Adding a Sub-Filter for Work mode

A sub-filter refines the issues returned by your board's filter. The sub-filter applies to Work mode only. The sub-filter enables the Report mode to show different data to Work mode.

The default sub-filter is:

fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY

... this will result in issues released using the 'Release' button no longer appearing in Work mode (although the reports in Report mode will continue to show them).

(info) The Work sub-filter is only available for Kanban boards.

To add a sub-filter to your board:

  1. Select Agile > Manage Boards from the top navigation bar, then click the Configure link corresponding to the board of interest.
  2. Click the Filter tab.
  3. Hover over the words 'Add Sub-Filter' and click the pencil icon that appears. Enter a JQL query.
    (info) For more details, see the JIRA documentation on JQL.


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