Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards.



You must have the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission before you can configure your GreenHopper Project Templates.

Every GreenHopper project is associated with a project template. Project templates make it quick and easy to set up and maintain GreenHopper projects with your preferred settings, ranging from Ranking and Flagging fields to your colour schemes and Task Board layout.

About Project Templates

GreenHopper provides two built-in project templates ('Specifying your Project Templates#Default' and 'Specifying your Project Templates#Scrum') and any number of your own custom templates, all of which can be modified on the 'Project Templates' page.

The 'Project Templates' page effectively defines a project template's 'global' settings, because any modifications to project templates made on this page will be used in the template that you:

  • Choose when creating a new project
  • Select (or switch to) for an existing project

Note that changes you make to a project template will not affect projects that are currently using that template.

Also note that any individual project can override a project template's global settings, as described in Configuring your GreenHopper Project Settings.

About the 'Scrum' Template

When you set a project to use the 'Scrum' template, GreenHopper will:

A JIRA Administrator has the flexibility to modify the 'GreenHopper Scrum Issue Type Scheme' to meet their requirements for the 'Scrum' template. Should the 'GreenHopper Scrum Issue Type Scheme' be deleted it will be recreated automatically.

About Custom Templates

GreenHopper's custom templates feature allows you to define a set of project template settings under its own name, which are completely independent of the 'Scrum' and 'Default' project templates.

Modifying a Template

(This applies to both built-in templates and custom templates.)

To configure a project template,

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission.
  2. Select JIRA Administration from the top bar, then select Plugins > GreenHopper.
  3. Select Project Templates.
  4. Select the template you wish to configure: 'Default', 'Scrum' or a custom template. For more information on creating and editing custom templates, refer to the Custom Templates section below.
  5. The following settings will be available for you to configure:

Screenshot 1: GreenHopper 'Default' Project Template

Screenshot 2: GreenHopper 'Scrum' Project Template

Managing Custom Templates

Creating a Custom Template

When you can create your own custom template, its initial settings will be based on an unmodified version of the 'Default' template.

To create your own custom template,

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission.
  2. Select JIRA Administration from the top bar, then select Plugins > GreenHopper.
  3. Select Project Templates.
  4. Click the Create a new template link next to the top drop down menu.
  5. The New Template dialog box opens, requesting you to enter a name for the new template.
    Screenshot 3: The 'New Template' Dialog Box

  6. Enter a name for the new template in the Name field and click the Create button. A new custom template is created with the name you just specified.
  7. Since all custom templates' initial settings of are based on an unmodified version of the 'Default' template, you may wish customise your template's remaining settings. Refer to step 5 of the 'Modifying a Template' procedure above for further information.

Changing the Name of a Custom Template

To change the name of a custom template,

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission.
  2. Select JIRA Administration from the top bar, then select Plugins > GreenHopper.
  3. Select Project Templates.
  4. Select the required custom template from the top drop down menu.
    (info) Typically, these are any templates other than the 'Default' or 'Scrum' templates.
  5. Click the Edit link next to this drop down menu.
  6. In the New Template dialog box, change the name of the custom template to your requirements and click the Update button.
  7. The name of the template will be updated.
    (info) If you also wish to customise the template's remaining settings at this point, refer to step 5 of the 'Modifying a Template' procedure above for further information.

Removing a Custom Template

To remove a custom template,

  1. Log in as a user with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission.
  2. Select JIRA Administration from the top bar, then select Plugins > GreenHopper.
  3. Select Project Templates.
  4. Select the required custom template from the top drop-down menu.
    (info) Typically, these are any templates other than the 'Default' or 'Scrum' templates.
  5. Click the Remove link next to this drop-down menu and the custom template will be removed.

Setting a Project to use a Template

To specify which template a project will use, please see Configuring your General Project Settings.