As of June 1, 2015, the IDE Connector documentation will no longer be maintained by Atlassian. See for more information. We will also be making this documentation available for our open source community here:

Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio – FAQ

 Known issues, hints and tips and answers to commonly raised questions about the Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio:

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  1. Anonymous

    Is there a way to prevent the connector to show up at Visual Studio startup? It really annoys me on projects which aren't in our Jira system. I'd like to open it up when it's needed.

    1. Anonymous

      it still does this and no option to toggle.. this is exactly why i am removing it again, thought it would've been sorted by now.. makes this very cool add-on a nuisance and annoyance when switching solutions...

  2. Anonymous

    Lokks like the Connector in VS always sorts after Priority. No matter, what the Filter says... I created a Filter in the Browser and shared it with all users. But when i activate him in the Connector, the first "ORDER BY" ist "Priority". Is there a setting or a Reg-Key, that sets this off?

    Sunny Greetings,



  3. Are there plans to include Fisheye/Crucible Support for the Visual Studio Connector?

  4. I am getting the below error. Is there any solution for this?

    The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.<br><br>Url:.... <br>Response: {"errorMessages":[""Field 'type' does not exist or this field cannot be viewed by anonymous users.","Field 'assignee' does not exist or this field cannot be viewed by anonymous users.","Not able to sort using field 'priority'."],"errors":{}}<br>


    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.RestClient.jsonOp(String method, String tgtUrl, Object json, HttpStatusCode expectedCode)
    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.RestClient.getCustomFilterIssues(JiraFilter filter, String sortOrder, Int32 start, Int32 count)
    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.facade.RestJiraServerFacade.getCustomFilterIssues(JiraServer server, JiraFilter filter, Int32 start, Int32 count)
    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.facade.SmartJiraServerFacade.<>c__DisplayClasse.<getCustomFilterIssues>b__c(JiraServer param0)
    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.facade.SmartJiraServerFacade.delegated[T](JiraServer server, Delegate`1 rest, Delegate`1 classic)
    at Atlassian.plvs.api.jira.facade.SmartJiraServerFacade.getCustomFilterIssues(JiraServer server, JiraFilter filter, Int32 start, Int32 count)
    at Atlassian.plvs.models.jira.JiraIssueListModelBuilder.rebuildModelWithCustomFilter(JiraIssueListModel model, JiraServer server, JiraCustomFilter filter)
    at Atlassian.plvs.ui.jira.TabJira.<>c__DisplayClass31.<reloadIssuesWithCustomFilter>b__30()

  5. Anonymous

    Is there a way to log actual work and update status on sub-task? Our project consists of subtasks for different resources based on the story and i dont see a way to work on this within Visual Studio.

  6. Anonymous

    We are using Agile board on JIRA and i have just installed this connector. In Visual Studio 2012 under the JIRA tab I can see the filter on the left named as "Agile" but nothing is populated in side. 

    Does the Agile Filter work ? or I am missing any configuration for the connector.

    Please advise ?