JIRA 3.13 Release Notes

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9 September 2008

The Atlassian JIRA team is proud to present JIRA 3.13.

This release fulfils some of the most popular JIRA feature requests. Dashboards can now be shared, and filter sharing has been improved — so it's easy to set up multiple 'template' dashboards, each with specific portlets and filters. New JIRA users can then simply select the dashboards most suited to them.

People using customised workflows will be pleased to learn that JIRA 3.13 provides the ability to edit active workflows — that is, workflows that are currently being used. So workflow logic, transitions, screens and post-functions can now be tweaked on the fly, and a JIRA wizard will guide decisions on how active issues should be handled.

By popular request, you can now restore individual projects from a backup, making it much easier to merge projects back into your existing JIRA instance. We are also happy to announce that personal licenses are available with this release of JIRA.

(warning) Please be aware of JIRA Security Advisory 2008-08-26, which is relevant to this release.

Upgrading to JIRA 3.13 is free for all customers with active JIRA software maintenance.

Highlights of JIRA 3.13

Thank you for your feedback
85 new feature and improvement requests implemented!
1485 votes fulfilled!
Your votes and issues help us keep improving our products, and are much appreciated.

Upgrading to JIRA 3.13

You can download JIRA 3.13 from the JIRA Download Center. Before upgrading, please refer to the JIRA 3.13 Upgrade Guide.

Highlights of JIRA 3.13

Shareable dashboards

In many organisations, different departments use different JIRA projects and so need a customised dashboard for people in each department to use. For instance, at Atlassian our HR team uses their own special 'Recruitment' project and workflow to manage the hiring process. JIRA 3.13 resolves this popular issue (434 votes!) by letting you set up dashboard pages that you can share with your user group, project or all JIRA users.

  • Read more about shareable dashboards in the dashboard pages documentation.


Improved filter sharing

Previous versions of JIRA allowed you to share filters, but filter sharing was restricted to sharing with a single user group or sharing with all JIRA users. Filter sharing is much more flexible in this release. You can now also share your filter with multiple user groups, projects, specific project roles or any combination of these.

  • Read more about shareable filters in the issue filters documentation.


Favourite filters and dashboards

Keep your most commonly used filters and dashboards at your fingertips by adding them as favourites. You can add your own filters and dashboards as favourites in JIRA 3.13, as well as filters and dashboards shared with you by other users. We have also added search for filters and dashboards to help you find the tools you need to manage your information.


Restoring projects

One of the most voted for JIRA features has been included in this release — the ability to restore individual projects from a backup file (409 votes!). The project import feature allows you to select a project from a backup file and restore it into an existing JIRA instance, without losing the existing projects or data.


Editable active workflows

We have added the ability to edit active workflows in this release. You can now change most features of your active workflow without having to edit a separate copy of it.

  • Read more about editing active workflows in the JIRA workflow documentation.


Enhanced sub-task quick creation

The sub-task 'quick creation' form included on the issue page in JIRA has been enhanced, making it easier for you to quickly add sub-tasks to an issue without having to navigate to a new page. The sub-task quick creation form includes new fields, such as the 'Original Estimate' field and can be easily hidden to reduce clutter on your screen.


Personal licenses

Personal Licenses are now available with JIRA 3.13. Run your own individual non-commercial instance of JIRA under this free license. You can run your fully functional instance of JIRA indefinitely under this license, but you will not be eligible for Atlassian support.



We are bundling a new version of the FishEye plugin for JIRA in this release, helping your JIRA instance to work even more closely with your FishEye and Crucible applications. You can now use the FishEye plugin for JIRA to integrate your JIRA instance with Perforce. In addition, we've added a bunch of cool new features to the plugin, including FishEye and Crucible specific charting portlets for JIRA, the integration of reviews and code commits into JIRA workflow and trusted applications support.

You may also be interested in integrating your JIRA instance with your Bamboo application. We have recently updated the JIRA Bamboo plugin with a host of new functionality to let you monitor your builds and issues. (Note that the JIRA Bamboo plugin is currently not bundled with JIRA.)


Progress bar for long-running operations

We have added a progress bar to a number of long-running operations in JIRA, including workflow migration, project import and re-indexing. This simple visual cue provides you with helpful information about your task, such as the time elapsed, percentage complete and the time you started it.


Application improvements

The version of Tomcat that is shipped with JIRA Standalone has also been upgraded to version 5.5.26 (previously Tomcat 5.5.20). Refer to the 5.5.x Release Notes on the Apache Tomcat website.


Plus more than 200 other fixes and improvements

The top 50 most popular issues resolved in JIRA 3.13 are listed below. See all the issues here.

key type summary priority status votes

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira

Last modified on Nov 26, 2008

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