JIRA 3.9 Release Notes
Atlassian is proud to announce JIRA 3.9, the latest release of our award winning issue tracking, workflow and project management software.
New features include:
- Ability to convert sub-tasks to issues (and vice versa)
- Convenient new scheduler for filter subscriptions
- Separate permissions for 'Delete Comment', 'Delete Attachment' and 'Delete Issue'
- Performance Improvements for Project Roles
This release also includes over 30 bug fixes.
To see a list of all new features and improvements — ask JIRA!
494 of your votes have been addressed in this release. As always, thank you for taking the time to cast your vote and tell us what is important to you. We appreciate your feedback.
JIRA 3.9 is a free upgrade for any customer who purchased/renewed JIRA after 9 May, 2006. This release can be downloaded from the JIRA Download Center. Before upgrading, please refer to the JIRA 3.9 Upgrade Guide.
Convert sub-tasks to issues (and issues to sub-tasks)
In JIRA 3.9, sub-tasks can now be converted to issues, and vice versa.
- Perhaps a particular sub-task has become important enough to be an issue in its own right, with its own sub-tasks? Simply go to the sub-task and click 'Convert to Issue'. You can now create sub-tasks for the converted issue.
- Or perhaps an issue should really have been created as a sub-task of an existing issue. No problem: simply go to the issue and — you've guessed it — click 'Convert to Sub-task'.
Convenient new scheduler for filter subscriptions
If you like to have your search results emailed to you, you will be pleased to see the new and improved scheduler in JIRA 3.9.
It's now even easier to choose exactly when and how often you would like to receive your emails, e.g. 'Every day at 1.00am', 'Every hour between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday'.
For the adventurous, we have also included a cron-based scheduler.
Separate permissions for 'Delete Comment', 'Delete Attachment' and 'Delete Issue'
You can now give people the ability to delete comments and/or attachments, without giving them the ability to delete entire issues.
JIRA 3.9 has four new project-level permissions:
- 'Delete All Attachments': This permission gives the user the ability to delete any attachments, regardless of who added them.
- 'Delete Own Attachments': This permission gives the user the ability to delete attachments that they created.
- 'Delete All Comments': This permission gives the user the ability to delete any comments, regardless of who added them.
- 'Delete Own Comments': This permission gives the user the ability to delete comments that they created.
Project Role Permission check performance improvements
The performance of permission checks against project roles has been significantly improved.
This improvement allows much faster load times for pages such as Dashboard, especially when several users are hitting JIRA at the same time. The performance improvement is most noticeable with large numbers of projects containing large numbers of project role user members. See JRA-12610 for details.
Previously this check was a CPU intensive operation that involved the intermediate creation of many intermediate objects - and degraded badly under concurrent access. The operation is now performed in constant time per project (basically a hash lookup).