Installing JIRA from an Archive File on Windows, Linux or Solaris

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To install JIRA on Windows from a 'zip' archive file or Linux/Solaris from a 'tar.gz' archive file, follow the instructions on this page.

Before you begin

Please ensure that you have installed Java and set JAVA_HOME. Also refer to the Supported Platforms page for details about which Java (as well as other) platforms are supported by JIRA.

(warning) Linux distributions frequently have an open-source implementation of Java called GCJ installed. Do not use this Java platform — it is incomplete and JIRA will not run successfully on it.

On this page:

1. Download and Extract the JIRA Archive File

  1. Download the appropriate JIRA archive file for your operating system ('zip' for Windows or 'tar.gz' for Linux/Solaris), from the JIRA Download page.
    (info) After selecting the appropriate operating system tab on the 'JIRA download' page, you may need to click the 'Show all' link to access the required installation package.
  2. Extract the downloaded file.
    (info) On Windows, we recommend using a file extraction tool such as 7-Zip.
    (warning) On Solaris, avoid using the Solaris' default tar utility! Please use GNU tar on this operating system to extract JIRA, as GNU tar handles long filenames better.

2. Set the JIRA Home Directory in JIRA

To set this, do one of the following:

  • Edit the file and set the value of the 'jira.home' property to the desired location for your JIRA Home Directory (this location should be something different than the application directory, or you may run into problems later). If you are specifying this location's path on Windows, use double back-slashes ("\") between subdirectories. For example, X:\\path\\to\\JIRA\‌\Home.
    (info)If you define an UNC path in Microsoft Windows, be sure to double escape the leading backslash: \\\\machinename\\path\\to\\JIRA\\home
    (info) See the JIRA Installation Directory page to find where this file is located.
  • Set an environment variable named JIRA_HOME in your operating system whose value is the location of your JIRA Home Directory. To do this:
    • On Windows, do one of the following:
      • Configure this environment variable through the Windows user interface (typically through 'My Computer' or 'Computer')
      • At the command prompt, enter the following command (with your own JIRA Home path) before running JIRA from the command prompt:
        • set JIRA_HOME=X:\path\to\JIRA\Home
          (warning) Please set your JIRA_HOME  environment variable value using this format, where:
          • X is the drive letter where your JIRA Home Directory is located and
          • no spacing has been added around the equal sign ('=')
      • Specify the command above in a batch file used to start JIRA.
    • On Linux/Solaris, do one of the following:
      • Enter the following command at a shell/console prompt (with your own JIRA Home path) before running JIRA:
        • export JIRA_HOME=/path/to/jira/home
      • Specify the command above in a script used to start JIRA.

You can specify any location on a disk for your JIRA home directory. Please be sure to specify an absolute path.

Please note that you cannot use the same JIRA home directory for multiple instances of JIRA. We recommend locating your JIRA Home Directory completely independently of the JIRA Installation Directory (i.e. not nesting one within the other) as this will minimise information being lost during major operations (e.g. backing up and restoring instances).

3. Create a Dedicated User Account on the Operating System to Run JIRA

(info) This step is optional if you are evaluating JIRA but should be mandatory for JIRA installations used in production.

A dedicated user should be created to run JIRA, as JIRA runs as the user it is invoked under and therefore can potentially be abused. For example:
  • If your operating system is *nix-based (for example, Linux or Solaris), type the following in a console:
    $ sudo /usr/sbin/useradd --create-home --comment "Account for running JIRA" --shell /bin/bash jira
  • If your operating system is Windows:
    1. Create the dedicated user account by either:
      • Typing the following at the Windows command line:
        > net user jira mypassword /add /comment:"Account for running JIRA"
        (This creates a user account with user name 'jira' and password 'mypassword'. You should choose your own password.)
      • Opening the Windows 'Computer Management' console to add your 'jira' user with its own password.
    2. (Optional) Use the Windows 'Computer Management' console to remove the 'jira' user's membership of all unnecessary Windows groups, such as the default 'Users' group.
      (tick) If Windows is operating under a Microsoft Active Directory, ask your Active Directory administrator to create your 'jira' account (with no prior privileges).

Ensure that only the following directories can be written to by this dedicated user account (e.g. 'jira'):

(warning) Do not make the JIRA Installation Directory itself writeable by the dedicated user account.

(info) See also Tomcat security best practices.

4. Start JIRA

Enter the bin subdirectory of your JIRA installation directory and execute the appropriate file to start running JIRA:

  • (on Linux/Solaris)
  • start-jira.bat (on Windows)

(info) To run JIRA as the dedicated user account (e.g. 'jira') created above:

  • On Windows, use the runas command to run start-jira.bat. For example,
    runas /env /user:<DOMAIN>\jira start-jira.bat
    (where <DOMAIN> is your Windows domain or computer name.)
  • On Linux, switch to the 'jira' account using the su command before running (or use su to run as the 'jira' account).

Wait until the following message appears in the application's log file:

 ... You can now access JIRA through your web browser.

You can access JIRA from any computer with network access to your JIRA server by opening a supported web browser on the computer and visiting this URL:

  • http://<computer_name_or_IP_address>:<HTTP_port_number>


  • <computer_name_or_IP_address> is the name or IP address of the computer on which JIRA is installed and
  • <HTTP_port_number> is the HTTP port number (8080 by default).

(info) If JIRA does not appear in your web browser, you may need to change the port that JIRA runs on.

(info) Logs will be written to logs/catalina.out.

If something goes wrong, please verify that Java is installed correctly. If the problem persists, please contact us — we're happy to help.

5. Run the Setup Wizard

See Running the Setup Wizard.

Next Steps

Last modified on Nov 15, 2015

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