Create an issue

An issue is the most basic entity in JIRA. Issues can represent different things depending on your team and project. For example, your development team could use issues to represent feature stories, development tasks and bugs for a product.

In this stage, you will create an issue. We will show you how to manage this issue through its lifecycle and how you can involve your team members along the way.

Step 1. Create an issue

Let's start by creating your first issue. 
  1. Choose Create in the JIRA header to open the 'Create Issue' dialog.
  2. Fill out the fields using the sample data is shown below. Only the fields with * are mandatory.
    • Project: JIRA Junior
    • Issue Type: Story
    • Summary: As a kid, I want to have fun creating issues
    • Description: Make everything fun!
    • Leave all other fields blank or at their default values.
  3. Choose Create to create your new issue.
    A confirmation message will display for a few seconds. Note, the issue key of your new issue: JJ-1.

Create another issue with an Issue Type of Bug and Summary of JIRA Junior logo is not pink enough. Set the rest of the fields to anything you like.

Step 2. Edit the issue

In this step, we will show you how to find an existing issue using the quick search, and how to edit it using inline editing. For example, you may want to add more information to an issue, attach new files or screenshots, and more. 

Inline editing is the quickest way to edit an issue. However, please note that blank fields are hidden on the View Issue screen. You can only edit these via the Edit Issue dialog (Edit button on View Issue screen), which provides you access to all issue fields.

  1. In the Quick Search box in the JIRA header, type JJ-1 and press Enter on your keyboard.  The first issue that you created will display. The quick search is only one of the search methods in JIRA. We will cover the others in the next stage.
  2. Hover over the Priority field. A pencil icon  will appear with a Click to edit label.
  3. Click the Priority field and change it to Critical. A tick and cross icon will appear.
  4. Click on the tick icon or anywhere outside of the field to save your change.

Step 3. Resolve the issue

Every issue has a lifecycle. In JIRA, the lifecycle of an issue is managed by a workflow. A workflow consists of the issue statuses (e.g. Open) and the transitions between each status (e.g. Start progress). Here is the default workflow used in JIRA:

About workflows

JIRA ships with a default workflow. However, you can import workflows or configure your own. We will show you how to do this later in this guide.


In this step, you will be resolving your issue. To do this, you will use the Start Progress transition to take your issue from Open to In Progress, then the Resolve transition to take your issue from In Progress to Resolved.

You should be viewing the issue JJ-1. If not, open it using the Quick Search. You will notice that all of the workflow-related controls are grouped together:

  1. Choose the Start Progress. The status of your issue will be changed to In Progress.
  2. Choose the Resolve Issue. A 'Resolve Issue' screen will appear.
  3. Leave the fields at their default values and click the Resolve button in the bottom right corner of the issue screen. The status of your issue will be changed to Resolved

Notice that resolving an issue prompted you to enter more information, whereas starting progress on the issue did not. Some issue transitions have screens associated with them in the default JIRA workflow. JIRA allows you to prompt the user with screens for any transition, if you configure your own workflow.

Step 4. Assign the issue to another user

You won't be managing every issue in your project, if you are using JIRA for your team. Let's get another user involved by assigning them an issue.

  1. Find and open the issue JJ-2 by entering JJ-2 in the Quick Search box and pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Choose Assign on the issue. You can also use the quick operation: . + assign
  3. Type alana in the Assignee field and select her as the assignee from the dropdown list that appears.
  4. Type (don't copy and paste) the following text in the Comment field, then choose Assign.

    Hi @william JIRA Junior is *super fun* now (see JJ-1). Alana is going to fix the logo.

    (info) You will notice a few things when you enter the comment:

    • When you start typing after the @ symbol, you will be prompted to choose a user: william, in this example. William will be sent an email notification that links to the issue, when you save. This feature is called mentioning a user.
    • On choosing Assign:
      • The issue is assigned to Alana with a comment added to it.
      • A link is automatically created to the issue JJ-1 in the issue comment.
      • super fun is shown as bold text in the issue comment. If you edit an issue description or comment and click the icon, you will see other text formatting options.

(tick) Congratulations! You have learned the basics of working with an issue.

Next steps

Next you will learn how to search for issues and create reports.

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Last modified on Sep 17, 2015

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