Jelly Tags
Jelly is a scripting and templating language from Apache's Jakarta project. It is similar to Ant, in that scripts are XML, and each tag maps to a Java class, but has a more sophisticated internal pipeline model for tag interaction, much like JSP taglibs. See the Jelly website for more details.
JIRA comes with a number of Jelly tags implementing core operations in JIRA. This provides a scriptable interface to JIRA. There are many possible uses for JIRA Jelly tags, the most common being importing data into JIRA from other systems, and automating common administrative tasks (see the examples below).
Enabling Jelly
JIRA's Jelly support is disabled by default, as Jelly, in principle, allows running arbitrary Java code on the server under the Tomcat account. In some environments this may be considered a security risk, depending on who is allowed to configure and run Jelly scripts (a 'JIRA System Administrators' permission is required). We recommend to use Jelly only when you absolutely cannot do without it and disable Jelly support when you do not need it any more.
To enable Jelly, set the jira.jelly.on system property when starting your application server. System properties are set with parameters to the java
command, e.g. java -Djira.jelly.on=true ...
(You can set this parameter in the (Linux) or setenv.bat (Windows) file in your /bin folder)
How to set this property depends on your application server. For example, set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS=-Djira.jelly.on=true
, or when running JIRA as a service, set the service JVM parameter.
Running a Jelly script
To run a Jelly script once:
- Log in as a user with the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission.
- Choose > System. Select Advanced > Jelly Runner to open the Jelly Runner page.
Keyboard shortcut: 'g' + 'g' + type 'jel'
- Paste your Jelly script into the text area.
To run a Jelly script periodically:
- Configure a service with the following class:
Restricting Jelly
To remove the interface for pasting scripts in:
- Edit
- Add the
attribute to the textarea, e.g.<ui:textarea label="text('admin.jellyrunner.jelly.script.xml')" name="'script'" rows="'40'" cols="'80'" disabled="true" />
This prevents text being pasted into the Jelly Runner page. Note that this is only an interface change and it will be still possible to run Jelly scripts by submitting an HTTP request with the right content.
Writing a Jelly script
- jira:AddActorsToDefaultProjectRole
- jira:AddActorsToProjectRole
- jira:AddComment
- jira:AddComponent
- jira:AddFieldToScreen
- jira:AddPermission
- jira:AddUserToGroup
- jira:AddVersion
- jira:AssignIssue
- jira:AttachFile
- jira:CreateCustomField
- jira:CreateGroup
- jira:CreateIssue
- jira:CreatePermissionScheme
- jira:CreateProject
- jira:CreateProjectRole
- jira:CreateUser
- jira:DeleteProjectRole
- jira:GetDefaultRoleActors
- jira:GetProjectRole
- jira:GetProjectRoleActors
- jira:IsProjectRoleNameUnique
- jira:LinkIssue
- jira:Login
- jira:RemoveActorsFromDefaultProjectRole
- jira:RemoveActorsFromProjectRole
- jira:RemoveUser
- jira:RunSearchRequest
- jira:SelectComponentAssignees
- jira:TransitionWorkflow
- jira:UpdateProjectRole
Scripts are generally of the form:
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
Add your own Jelly XML here
There are also a few extra tags that can be accessed by using the following outer tag, instead of the one above (these are tags that were formerly restricted):
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib">
Add your own Jelly XML here
In addition to the JIRA tags, you can use tags from the email, http, soap, sql and core Jelly taglibs. More can be added by the user if necessary.
Many of JIRA's Jelly tags set context variables, so subsequent tags can refer to their output by dereferencing the context variable (e.g. ${
}). Other tags let you explicitly specify the name of a variable to store some output in, e.g., <jira:CreateUser> has issueKeyVar
and issueIdVar
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="TP" summary="Issue One" issueKeyVar="issuekey" issueIdVar="issueid"/>
Raised issue ${issuekey} with id ${issueid}
Note that the variable is only set after the tag is closed, not inside the tag.
Please Note: Due to this variable interpolation, if your text contains anything of the form
} , you need to escape this as $${something
} to prevent the 'variable' being expanded to a blank string.
When specifying the value of an attribute, note the following special characters must be escaped.
Special Character | Escaped equivalent |
ampersand (&) |
apostrophe or single quote (') |
double quote (") |
less than (<) |
greater than (>) |
The list of currently available tags:
This tag will add 'actors' to the default membership for a given project role. Actors can be defined as groups or users, i.e. you can add both users and groups to a project role.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| This is the id of the project role. |
actors | string |
| A comma delimited list of either users or groups |
actortype | string |
| This defines the type 'actor' you are sending to the tag. Currently this field can contain either 'atlassian-user-role-actor' for users, or 'atlassian-group-role-actor' for groups. |
Adding a list of default users or groups to a project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddActorsToDefaultProjectRole projectroleid="1" actors="fred,admin,tom"
actortype="atlassian-user-role-actor" />
This tag will add 'actors' to a given project role for a particular project. Actors can be defined as groups or users, ie you can add both users and groups to a project role.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| This is the id of the project role. |
actors | string |
| This a comma delimited list of either user names or group names |
actortype | string |
| This defines the 'actor' type. Currently this field can contain either 'atlassian-user-role-actor' for users, or 'atlassian-group-role-actor' for groups. |
projectkey | string |
| This is the key of the project you wish to add users or groups to for the specified role. |
Adding a list of users or groups to a project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddActorsToProjectRole projectroleid="1" actors="jira-administrators,jira-users"
projectkey="MKY" actortype="atlassian-group-role-actor" />
This function adds a comment to an Issue.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
issue-key | string |
| The issue to add the comment to (required). |
commenter | string | Currently logged in user | Username of the user to make the comment (Must have browse and comment permissions). |
comment | string |
| Comment to be added to the issue (required). |
groupLevel | string | none | Name of group that can see this comment. NOTE: If this is specified you can not specify the roleLevel parameter. |
roleLevel | string | none | Name or Id of Project Role that can see this comment. NOTE: If this is specified you can not specify the groupLevel parameter. |
created | string | Current Date/Time | Date/Time the Comment was created in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.0 |
updated | string | Current Date/Time | Date/Time the Comment was last updated in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.0. This can be used if you are trying to import a comment with specific pre-existing values. |
editedBy | string | Currently logged in user | Username of the user who last updated the comment. This can be used if you are trying to import a comment with specific pre-existing values. |
tweakIssueUpdateDate | boolean | true | If an updated date is provided, the issue's updated date will be updated with that value. If the tweakIssueUpdateDate parameter is set to false, the issue's updated timestamp will be left untouched. |
Create comment
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddComment comment="Issue comment" issue-key="ABC-1"
Create Issue and Comment
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="TP" issueType="Bug" summary="Issue summary" issueKeyVar="key"/>
<jira:AddComment issue-key="${key}" comment="A comment on ${key}"/>
Adds a component to a project.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
project-key | string |
| The key of the project you want to add the component to (not required if nested inside atag). |
name | string |
| Name of the component (required). |
description | string |
| Description of the component. |
componentLead | string |
| The username of the Component's lead. Leave blank for no lead. |
Create Component
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddComponent project-key="ABC" name="Comp 1" description="Comp 1 description"/>
Create Component in a Project
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateProject key="ABC" name="A Project" lead="logged-in-user">
<jira:AddComponent name="Comp 1"/>
Create Component with a Component Lead
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddComponent project-key="ABC" name="Comp 1" description="Comp 1 with lead" componentLead="user-name"/>
Adds a field to a specific tab on a screen. Can also specify in which position to insert the field.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
ffldId | string |
| Field ID of the field to add (required). e.g. "description", "duedate", etc. |
screen | string |
| Screen ID or Name (required). e.g. "1" or "Default Screen". |
tab | string | 0 | Tab ID or Name. e.g. "0" or "Field Tab". |
fieldPosition | int | last position | Position to insert the field into. Range of values is from 1 to the number of fields on the screen. |
Add Fields to a Screen
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<!-- Adds 'description' field to the 'Field Tab' on 'Default Screen' -->
<jira:AddFieldToScreen fieldId="description" screen="Default Screen" tab="Field Tab"/>
<!-- Adds 'duedate' field to same screen as above. duedate is inserted in position 1 -->
<jira:AddFieldToScreen fieldId="duedate" screen="1" tab="0" fieldPosition="1"/>
Create a new Customfield and Add it to a Screen
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateCustomField fieldType="cascadingselect"
fieldName="Issue cascadingselect Bug"
description="Bank have requested Y2K fixes to be sent as an EBF."
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 1" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 2">
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Child 1" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Child 2" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 3" />
<jira:AddFieldToScreen screen="Default Screen" fieldId="${customField.getId()}"/>
Grants permissions within a permission scheme. Often nested within a JIRADOC:CreatePermissionScheme tag.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
schemeId | string |
| If not nested in a CreatePermissionScheme tag, specifies the scheme Id to add the permission to (0 is the default permission scheme). |
permissions | required string |
| A comma-separated list of permissions to grant:
type | string |
| Type of recipient for the permission:
group | string |
| If type is 'group' (or type is unspecified), specifies the group name to grant permissions to. |
projectroleid | int |
| If type is 'projectrole', specifies the id of the projectrole to grant permissions to. |
user | string |
| If type is 'user', specifies the user name to grant permissions to. |
userCF | string |
| If type is 'userCF', specifies the id of a User custom field, e.g. 'customfield_10000', identifying the user to be granted the permission. |
groupCF | string |
| If type is 'groupCF', specifies the id of a group-selecting custom field (e.g. a select-list with group names as values) whose members should be granted this permission. E.g. 'customfield_10000'. |
Grant permissions to jira-users and jira-developers in a new permission scheme
(See also the JIRADOC:example scripts)
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreatePermissionScheme name="New Permission Scheme">
<jira:AddPermission group="jira-users" permissions="Browse,Create,Comment,Attach" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="jira-developers" permissions="Move,Assignable,Link,ViewVersionControl" type="group"/>
Grant issue reporters the ability to edit/delete their own issues, in a new permission scheme
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreatePermissionScheme name="New Permission Scheme">
<jira:AddPermission type="reporter" permissions="Delete, Edit"/>
Make projects using default permission scheme visible to certain users
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddPermission schemeId="0" permissions="Browse" type="user" user="johnc"/>
<jira:AddPermission schemeId="0" permissions="Browse" type="user" user="ebf"/>
Granting a group selector custom field's members the ability to assign/be assigned the issue.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddPermission schemeId="10164" type="groupCF" groupCF="customfield_10000"
permissions="Assign,Assignable" />
Makes a user a member of a Group. Adds the username and/or group name into the context if specified.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
username | string |
| Username to add to Group (required if not in atag). |
group-name | string |
| Group to add User to (required if not in atag). Note: if the group has the 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission, and the logged-in user does not, an error message will be displayed and the operation will not succeed. |
Username is set in the context if specified in the tag.Group name is set in the context if specified in the tag.h4. Examples
Add User to Group
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddUserToGroup username="new-user" group-name="new-group"/>
Add New User to Group
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateUser username="new-user" password="password" confirm="password"
fullname="Full name" email="">
<jira:AddUserToGroup group-name="new-group"/>
Add User to New Group
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="new-group">
<jira:AddUserToGroup username="new-user"/>
Add New User to New Group
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateUser username="new-user" password="password" confirm="password"
fullname="Full name" email=""/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="new-group">
Adds a version to a project.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
project-key | string |
| The key of the project you want to add the component too (not required if nested inside atag). |
name | string |
| Name of the version (required). |
description | string |
| The description of the version. |
releaseDate | string |
| The release date of the version. |
schedule | string |
| Schedule of the version. |
Create a Version
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AddVersion project-key="ABC" name="Ver 1"/>
Create a Version in a Project
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateProject key="ABC" name="A Project" lead="logged-in-user">
<jira:AddVersion name="Ver 1"/>
Assigns an issue to a user.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
key | string |
| Key of the issue to assign. |
assignee | string |
| User to assign issue to. |
Create and assign issue
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="TST" summary="My Issue summary" issueKeyVar="keyvar"/>
<jira:AssignIssue key="${keyvar}" assignee="testuser"/>
Attaches a file to an issue.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
key | string |
| Key of the issue to attach the file to. (Required) |
filepath | string |
| Path (on the server) of the file to attach. (Required) |
option | string | add | Behavior when a file with same name is already attached. (Optional). The options are:
created | string | Current Date/Time | Date/Time the attachment was created, in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.0 (Optional) |
Adding an attachment
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:AttachFile key="TST-1" filepath="/tmp/somefile" option="override"/>
The tag creates a new Custom Field. Only System custom fields can be added with Jelly tags.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
fieldType | string |
| Field type as appears as the key in the plugin descriptor |
fieldScope | string |
| One of global, project or issuetype |
fieldName | string |
| Name of custom field |
projectKey | string |
| Key of the related project. Only valid for scope "project" |
issueType | string |
| Issue type. Only valid for scope "issuetype" |
description | string |
| Description of the field to be displayed when adding a value |
searcher | string |
| A valid related custom field searcher |
customFieldIdVar | string |
| The name of the variable to place the new custom field. |
Create Cascading Custom Field
subtag can be used to add values for select lists. They can also be nested for Cascading Select Lists.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateCustomField fieldType="cascadingselect"
fieldName="Issue cascadingselect Bug"
description="Bank have requested Y2K fixes to be sent as an EBF."
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 1" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 2">
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Child 1" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Child 2" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldSelectValue value="Parent 3" />
Creates a Group in JIRA.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
group-name | string |
| Name of group to create (required). |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | Name of group being created. |
Create Group
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="new-group"/>
This tag creates a new issue in JIRA and places the issue id in the context.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
project-key | string |
| Key of the project to add the issue to (required if not nested in atag). |
issueType | string | First issue type | The string name of the Issue Type this issue should be created for (e.g. Bug). |
summary | string |
| Summary of the issue being created (required). |
priority | string | First priority | The string name of the Priority (e.g. Major). |
components | string |
| The string name of the Component. |
versions | string |
| The string name of the Affected Version. |
fixVersions | string |
| The string name of the Fix For Version. |
assignee | string |
| The username of the user to assign this issue to (logged in user requires the assign issue permission and user specified requires the assignable permission). Set to "-1" for Automatic assignment. |
reporter | string | (see description) | The username of the user who is reporting this issue. The user is logged in and then the issue is created. The user is logged out again when the Create Issue tag closes. |
environment | string |
| Description of the environment. |
description | string |
| Detailed description of the issue. |
duedate | string |
| Due date of the issue. The format required is the current JIRA date format.
created | string | Current Date/Time | Date/Time the Issue was created in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.0 |
updated | string | Current Date/Time | Date/Time the Issue was updated in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.0 |
issueIdVar | string |
| The name of the variable to place the ID of the new Issue. |
issueKeyVar | string |
| The name of the variable to place the Key of the new Issue. |
duplicateSummary | string |
| Setting this attribute to 'ignore' will allow Issue with the same summary to be created. |
security-level | string |
| Sets the security level of an issue. Value is the name of a level, e.g. 'Secret'. |
Create Issue
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="ABC" assignee="-1" summary="Issue summary">
<!-- other jelly tags -->
Create Issue from Project
This example is more complicated as a permission scheme is required for the project before an issue can be created.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateProject key="ABC" name="A Project" lead="logged-in-user">
<jira:CreatePermissionScheme name="admin-scheme">
<jira:AddPermission permissions="Assignable,Browse,Create,Assign"
<jira:CreateIssue summary="Issue summary">
<!-- other jelly tags -->
Create Issue with Custom Field values
Use the subtag jira:AddCustomFieldValue
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the custom field with the customfield_ prefix |
value | string | string representation of the custom field value. Note that this may be different to the displayed value (e.g. The project picker uses the project id as the String value but displays the project name) |
key | string | Key is used for multi-dimensional data. Currently, only Cascading selects supports its use. Omit to specify the value of parent, use "1" as the value for child |
name | String | deprecated Name of the custom field. |
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="ABC" summary="Issue summary">
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10000" value="field value"/>
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue name="Environment Select list" value="Windows XP"/>
<!-- For Cascading Selects : Note also that the value for cascading selects is the optionId-->
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10001" value="Parent Option Id" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10001" value="Child Option Id" key="1" />
<!-- For Version Pickers and Single Version Pickers : Note also that the value for version pickers is the versionId-->
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10002" value="Version Id"/>
<!-- For Multi Selects -->
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10003" value="Value 1" />
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10003" value="Value 2" />
<!-- For Multi User Pickers : Note also that the value for multi user pickers is a comma separated list of users-->
<jira:AddCustomFieldValue id="customfield_10004" value="User 1,User 2" />
Using the name attribute has been deprecated. While it will work in 3.0 its use is discouraged.
- To view the <customFieldId>,
- Navigate to Administration -> Issue Fields -> Custom Fields
- Hover your cursor over the "Configure" link of the custom field
- You can view the <customFieldId> in the status bar of your browser
- To view the "Parent Option Id" and "Child Option Id" for Cascading Select fields,
- Navigate to Administration -> Issue Fields -> Custom Fields -> Configure -> Edit Options -> Edit
- You can view the <selectedParentOptionId> ("Parent Option Id") and <selectedValue> ("Child Option Id") in the status bar of your browser
Creates a Permission Scheme
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | required string |
| Name of the permission scheme. |
description | string |
| Permission scheme description. |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | Id of the created permission scheme |
This tag creates a new project in JIRA and places the project id in the context.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
key | string |
| The project key used to create Issue Keys (required). |
name | string |
| The name of the project (required). |
lead | string |
| The username of the user that is the project lead (required). |
url | string |
| The URL of the site for this project. |
description | string |
| The description of this project. |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | Id of the Project that was created. |
jelly.project.key | string | Key of the Project that was created. |
Create Project
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateProject key="ABC" name="A Project" lead="a-user">
<!-- other jelly tags -->
This tag will create a project role with the given name and description.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | string |
| The name for the project role you will be creating |
description | string |
| The description for the project role you will be creating |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Long | The id of the project role | | string | The name of the project role |
jelly.role.description | string | The description of the project role |
Creating a new project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateProjectRole name="lion-tamer" description="tames the lions">
${} ${} ${jelly.role.description}
Creates a user in JIRA and places their username in the context.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
username | string |
| Username of the user being created (required). |
password | string |
| User's password. If the password field is left blank, a random password will be auto-generated. |
confirm | string |
| Confirmation of users password (required). |
fullname | string |
| Descriptive name of the user (required). |
string |
| Email address of the user (required). | |
sendEmail | boolean | false | If provided, specifies whether to send a confirmation email. |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | Username of the user being created. |
Create User
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateUser username="new-user" password="password" confirm="password"
fullname="Full name" email=""/>
This tag will delete the project role with the given id.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you want to delete. |
confirm | string |
| To delete the project role this value must be set to 'true'. |
Deleting a project role from JIRA
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:DeleteProjectRole projectroleid="1" confirm="true" />
This tag will return a ProjectRoleActors object for a given project role for a particular project. This object carries the members of a project role, i.e. users and/or groups. To get the collection of users in this object, use the expression ${roleactors.users} where roleactors is the variable name of the object. For more information on the RoleActors object, consult the JIRA API.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you want to query |
var | string |
| The name of the variable you wish to have the returned role actors placed into |
Returning a List of role actors and iterating over the users in each of these actors.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:core="jelly:core">
<jira:GetDefaultRoleActors projectroleid="1" var="roleactors" >
<core:forEach var="actor" items="${roleactors.users}">
This tag will return the project role with the given id.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you want |
var | string |
| The name of the variable you wish to have the project role assigned to |
Returning a project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:GetProjectRole projectroleid="1" var="role" >
This tag will return a ProjectRoleActors object for the given project role and project. This object is a placeholder for the internal members of a project role, i.e. users and/or groups. To get the collection of users in this object, use the expression ${roleactors.users} where roleactors is the variable name of the object. For more information on the RoleActors object, consult the JIRA API.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectkey | string |
| The key of the project you want to query |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you want to query |
var | string |
| The name of the variable you want the returned 'role actors' object assigned to |
Return a list of users for a given 'Role Actors' object
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:core="jelly:core">
<jira:GetProjectRoleActors projectkey="MKY" projectroleid="1" var="roleactors" >
<core:forEach var="actor" items="${roleactors.users}">
This tag will return 'true' or 'false' to let you know if there is already a project role with the given name.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | string |
| The name of the project role |
var | string |
| The name of the variable you want the returned result assigned to. |
Determining if a project role is unique.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:IsProjectRoleNameUnique name="unique name" var="isUnique" >
This tag creates a link from one issue to another issue.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
key | string |
| The key of the issue to link from (origin of link - required) |
linkKey | string |
| The key of the issue to link to (destination of link - required) |
linkDesc | string |
| linkDesc is taken from the 'Inward Description' or the 'Outward Description' of the link. (required) |
Create a Link between two existing issues
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:LinkIssue key="TST-1" linkKey="TST-2" linkDesc="duplicates"/>
Create two issues and link them
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="HSP" assignee="-1" summary="Issue summary 1" reporter="admin" issueKeyVar="issuekey1"/>
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="NDT" assignee="-1" summary="Issue summary 2" reporter="admin" issueKeyVar="issuekey2"/>
<jira:LinkIssue key="${issuekey1}" linkKey="${issuekey2}" linkDesc="duplicates"/>
This tag logs a user into JIRA using the username and password provided. Use this tag when you are running the Jelly script in a manner in which you are not logged in (for example, if you are running a JellyService instead of using the Jelly Runner), or if you want to run the Jelly script as a different user to the one you are logged in as.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
username | string |
| Username of the user to log in. |
password | string |
| Password of the user to log in. |
Context Variables
Context Variable | Type | Description |
jelly.user | User | User logged in. |
jelly.username | string | Username of the User logged in. |
Login a user in with username and password and set in context
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:Login username="misc-user" password="password">
<!-- other jelly tags -->
This tag will remove a list of role actors (i.e. users and/or groups) from the default membership of a given project role.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you wish to remove default actors from |
actors | string |
| A comma delimited list of users or groups you wish to remove from the default project role |
actortype | string |
| The type of 'actor' you are removing. Currently the available options are 'atlassian-group-role-actor' or 'atlassian-user-role-actor' |
Removing a list of groups from a default project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:RemoveActorsFromDefaultProjectRole projectroleid="1"
actors="jira-administrators, jira-users" actortype="atlassian-group-role-actor" />
This tag will remove a list of role actors from a given project role for a given project.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you wish to remove members from |
actors | string |
| A comma delimited list of users or groups you wish to remove from the project role |
projectkey | string |
| The key of the project the project role is associated with |
actortype | string |
| The type of 'actor' you are working with. Currently the available options are 'atlassian-group-role-actor' or 'atlassian-user-role-actor' |
Removing a list of groups from a project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:RemoveActorsFromProjectRole projectroleid="1"
actors="jira-administrators, jira-users" projectkey="MKY"
actortype="atlassian-group-role-actor" />
Removes an existing JIRA user by their username
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | string |
| Username of the user to remove (required). |
Remove User
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:RemoveUser name="existing-user"/>
This tag runs a search request against JIRA using a predefined filter.
Note: This tag will return a GenericValue for each issue which matches the search request.
A GenericValue consists of key-value pairs, e.g.
[created,2007-11-01 15:51:25.0]
[updated,2007-11-01 15:51:25.0]
To retrieve a value, e.g. key, you can call gv.getString("key"). For full details, see the OFBiz GenericValue API.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
filterid | int |
| The id of the filter which will be used to run the search request. |
size-var | string |
| The variable that will hold the number of issues returned from the search request. |
var | string |
| The variable that will hold the issues returned from the search request. |
Running a search request and iterating through the keys of the returned issues
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:core="jelly:core">
<jira:RunSearchRequest filterid="10524" var="issues" size-var="issuecount"/>
<core:forEach var="issue" items="${issues}">
Selects the default assignees for newly created issues of the component.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
project-key | string |
| The key of the project you want to add the component to (required). |
componentName | string |
| Name of the component (required). |
assigneeType | string |
| Default assignee type (required).
Select a Component Assignee
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib">
<jira:SelectComponentAssignees project-key="ABC" componentName="Comp 1" assigneeType="componentLead"/>
Please Note: This tag is not available in 3.3 and 3.3.1 — see JRA-7690 for details.
This tag executes a workflow transition on an issue.
Please keep in mind that if you are specifying field attribute/value pairs in your Jelly tag then these fields MUST be on the associted workflow transition screen. If the field is not on the screen then the value will not be set on the issue. For example, if you want to set the resolution attribute in your Jelly XML then your transition MUST have a screen associated with it that includes the resolution field on that screen.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
user | string | Currently logged in user | Username of the user to execute the workflow transition. The user needs to have the adequate permissions to execute the transition. Please note that the permissions required also depend on the fields that are updated during the transition. (See other attributes below). |
key | string |
| The key of the issue to execute the transition on. |
workflowAction | string |
| The id or name of the workflow transition to execute. If the argument can be converted to a number it is assumed to be an id of the transition. Otherwise it is assumed to be a name. |
resolution | string |
| The id or name of the resolution to set on the issue during the transition. Please note that the transition must expect the resolution to be updated, otherwise an error is generated if this attribute is supplied. If the argument can be converted to a number it is assumed to be an id of the resolution. Otherwise it is assumed to be a name. |
assignee | string |
| The username of the user to assign an issue to during the transition. The "user" executing the transition must have permissions to assign issues if this attribute is supplied. Please note that the transition must expect the assignee to be updated, otherwise an error is generated if this attribute is supplied. |
fixVersions | string |
| A comma separated list of version ids or names to set as "fix for" versions during the transition. The "user" executing the transition must have permissions to set "fix for" versions if this attribute is supplied. Please note that the transition must expect the "fix for" versions to be updated, otherwise an error is generated if this attribute is supplied. If a value in the provided comma separated list can be converted to a number it is assumed to be an id of a version. Otherwise it is assumed to be a name. |
comment | string |
| The comment to add to the issue during the transition. The "user" executing the transition must have permissions to add comments and the transition must be expecting comments to be added during its execution for the comment to be added successfully. |
groupLevel | string |
| The level for the comment. The level must be a name of a group the user is a member of. NOTE: If this is specified you can not specify the roleLevel parameter. |
roleLevel | string |
| Name or Id of Project Role that can see this comment. NOTE: If this is specified you can not specify the groupLevel parameter. |
Execute Workflow Transition
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:TransitionWorkflow key="TST-6" user="testuser" workflowAction="Resolve issue"
resolution="fixed" fixVersions="version 1,version 3" assignee="-automatic-"
comment="Test comment" groupLevel="jira-developers" />
This tag will update the name and description for a given project role id.
Attribute Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
projectroleid | int |
| The id of the project role you want to query |
name | string |
| The name you want the project role updated with |
description | string |
| The description you want the project role updated with |
Updating a project role
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:UpdateProjectRole projectroleid="123" name="unique name"
description="my project role is nice" />
Beta Tags
There are also a number of BETA tags that have not been fully tested or documented. The following list contains the tags and the attributes that can be passed to them:
- AddIssueSecurity
- schemeId (required)
- security (required)
- type (required)
- AddIssueSecurityLevel
- name (required)
- description (required)
- Output
- CreateIssueSecurityScheme
- name (required)
- description (required)
- Output
- LoadManager
- var (variable to put manager in)
- manager (name of manager e.g. IssueManager)
- LoadProject
- var (variable to put project in)
- project-name (name of project)
- RemoveGroup
- name (required)
- RemovePermissionScheme
- schemeId (required)
- confirm (required))
- RemoveProject
- pId (required)
- SelectProjectScheme
- projectKey (required)
- permission-scheme (Name of permission scheme)or
- issue-scheme (Name of issue security scheme)
- StringContains
- value (String to look in)
- possiblyContains (String to look for)
- doesContain (true or false) if value contains possiblyContains == doesContain, the inside of the tag is executed.
If you would like more information on how to use the Beta tags, please read the source and/or post to the Atlassian Answers for JIRA.
Sample scripts
Creating a new Project
To properly partition projects, one needs a permission scheme per project, and project-specific groups to allocate permissions to. Setting up a new project can be a time-intensive process. The following sample Jelly scripts automate this:
This script might be used for a publicly visible project:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib" xmlns:j="jelly:core">
<j:set var="name" value="Test Project"/>
<j:set var="key" value="TEST"/>
<j:set var="lowerkey" value="test"/>
<j:set var="lead_username" value="joe"/>
<j:set var="lead_password" value="joe"/>
<j:set var="lead_fullname" value="Joe Bloggs"/>
<j:set var="lead_email" value=""/>
<j:set var="url" value=""/>
<jira:CreateUser username="${lead_username}" password="${lead_password}" confirm="${lead_password}"
fullname="${lead_fullname}" email="${lead_email}"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${lowerkey}-developers">
<jira:AddUserToGroup username="${lead}"/>
<jira:CreateProject key="${key}" name="${name}" url="${url}" lead="${lead_username}">
<jira:CreatePermissionScheme name="${name} permissions">
<jira:AddPermission type="reporter" permissions="Close"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="jira-administrators" permissions="Close,Delete" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="jira-users" permissions="Create,Edit,Comment,Link,Attach" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="${lowerkey}-developers"
permissions="Project,ScheduleIssue,Move,Assign,Assignable,Resolve,Close,Work" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="Anyone" permissions="Browse,ViewVersionControl"/>
This script is more complicated, with multiple groups per project:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This script handles some of the administrative chores required when adding
a new project to JIRA. It creates the project, groups, permission scheme, and gives
groups the relevant permissions in the permission scheme. -->
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:j="jelly:core">
<!-- Name of the project to create -->
<j:set var="name" value="Jelly Test Project"/>
<!-- Key for the new project -->
<j:set var="key" value="TEST"/>
<!-- Existing user who will become the project lead (default assignee) -->
<j:set var="admin" value="admin"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${key}-users"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${key}-developers"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${key}-managers"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${key}-bizusers"/>
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${key}-qa"/>
<jira:CreateProject key="${key}" name="${name}" lead="${admin}">
<jira:CreatePermissionScheme name="${key} Permission Scheme">
<jira:AddPermission type="reporter" permissions="Edit"/>
<jira:AddPermission type="assignee" permissions="Resolve"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="jira-administrators" permissions="Project,Delete" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="${key}-users" permissions="Browse,Create,Comment,Attach" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="${key}-developers" permissions="Move,Assignable,Link,ViewVersionControl"
<jira:AddPermission group="${key}-managers" permissions="Edit,Assign,Assignable,Resolve,Close,Delete"
<jira:AddPermission group="${key}-bizusers" permissions="Assignable" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="${key}-qa" permissions="Assignable" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="opsmgrs" permissions="Browse,Edit,Assignable,Comment" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="dba-user-group" permissions="Browse,Assign,Assignable,Comment" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="help-desk-group" permissions="Browse,Assign,Assignable,Comment" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="webadmin-group" permissions="Browse,Assign,Assignable,Comment" type="group"/>
<jira:AddPermission group="unix-admin-group" permissions="Browse,Assign,Assignable,Comment" type="group"/>
For a list of projects, perform a project-specific operation.
This script iterates through a (comma-separated) list of projects, creates a project-specific group, and adds a user to that group.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Jelly script to create 'support' group per project -->
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:util="jelly:util" xmlns:j="jelly:core">
<util:tokenize var="projects" delim=",">ARM,QWI,DWI,DBOR,DBSQ,LYX,MMM,MOI,TPAI,SEP,AMR,SLA,TP,TRBC,YRD</util:tokenize>
<j:forEach var="proj" items="${projects}">
<jira:CreateGroup group-name="${proj}-support"/>
<jira:AddUserToGroup username="jeff" group-name="${proj}-support"/>
Create a user, issue, and assign the issue to the user
The following script creates a user (called new-user
), creates a new issue, adds the user to the jira-developers
group and assigns the issue to the user. It illustrates the use of context variables.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateUser username="new-user" password="password" confirm="password"
fullname="Full name" email=""/>
Username is ${}
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="TP" summary="New issue summary" issueKeyVar="ik"/>
<jira:AddUserToGroup username="new-user" group-name="jira-developers"/>
<jira:AssignIssue key="${ik}" assignee="${}"/>
Assigning and Starting Progress
Here we create an issue, assign it to 'bob' (who must be in jira-developers
), and start progress:
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib">
<jira:CreateIssue project-key="TP" summary="New issue" issueKeyVar="ik"/>
<jira:AssignIssue key="${ik}" assignee="bob"/>
<jira:TransitionWorkflow key="${ik}" user="bob" workflowAction="Start Progress" />
Moving unreplied-to issues into an 'Inactive' state
When JIRA is used for interacting with customers, this script is useful for finding issues which are awaiting customer response, and haven't been responded to in a while. It moves such issues into an 'Inactive' state.
You would typically invoke this script periodically with the Jelly Service.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.enterprise.JiraTagLib" xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:log="jelly:log" >
<jira:Login username="customersupport" password="XXXXXX">
<log:warn>Running Inactivate issues service</log:warn>
<core:set var="comment">This issue has not been updated for 5 business days.
If you have an update, please use "Add Comments For Vendor" action to let us know.
If you need more time to gather information please let us know and we will 'freeze' this issue.
If you have no other questions, please Close this issue.
If no update is received in the next 5 business days, this issue will be automatically closed.
Thank you,
The Support Team</core:set>
<core:set var="workflowStep" value="Mark Inactive" />
<core:set var="workflowUser" value="customersupport" />
<!-- Run the SearchRequestFilter -->
<jira:RunSearchRequest filterid="11505" var="issues" />
<core:forEach var="issue" items="${issues}">
<log:warn>Inactivating issue ${issue.key}</log:warn>
<jira:TransitionWorkflow key="${issue.key}" user="${workflowUser}" workflowAction="${workflowStep}" comment="${comment}"/>
- workflowStep is the name of a workflow transition, e.g "Close Issue", "Start Progress", just as they appear in the left-hand menu on the issue screen.
- workflowUser is the user to run the transition as
- filterid is the id of a saved search (filter), which finds issues needing to be inactivated (transitioned). This ID can be discovered from the filter URL on the "Manage" tab in "Find issues".
The JIRA Toolkit is useful in conjuction with this script, to find issues awaiting customer response.