Preparing for Jira 9.4

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This documentation is intended for Jira developers who want to ensure that their existing apps are compatible with Jira 9.4

Upgrading from 8.x to 9.x triggers full Jira reindex that causes some downtime during the process. If you’re on 8.x now, make sure you’ve estimated the downtime and set the best time for the upgrade.

Learn more about how to handle full reindex and estimate downtime

Quick info

Latest version

Here you can find information about the latest EAPs.

Application/Date numberVersion (Maven)Downloads

Jira Core/Software




Source files (Core)

Source files (Software)

Jira Service Management




Source files

Summary of changes

Jira 9.4 is a Long Term Support (LTS) release. It contains all features introduced since the last LTS version, Jira 8.20, and provides fixes for known issues in this version. In this LTS EAP release, you can test your applications to make sure they run smoothly and are ready for the upgrade.

Go to the Long Term Support release upgrade guide

Event handlers are now executed in isolation

We’ve isolated the execution of event handlers that are registered at jira/util/events and jQuery onReady handlers. Errors from the attached event handlers are now logged separately in the Developer Console.

By introducing these changes, we make the Jira frontend more error-resilient and improve the interface stability, even if there’s an error in some part of the application:

  • users should still be able to work in the app
  • it’s now easier for Jira admins to pinpoint those errors as they occur

What has changed?

Both the Jira code and apps code are commonly used in two places:

  • Jira Events (e.g. NEW_CONTENT_ADDED event)
  • jQuery onReady handlers

Before the introduced changes, an error in one handler would stop the execution of any subsequent handler in the chain.

As we’ve isolated the execution of event handers in jira/util/events and jQuery onReady handlers, every error is now logged and visible in the Developer Console, no longer affecting the execution of next handlers.

What do I need to know?

These changes have no impact on your apps' code and don’t require any changes on your side.

Last modified on Nov 11, 2022

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