Greenhopper plugin upgrade task failed
When preforming a plugin upgrade through the UPM the upgrade task has failed silently and the plugin is not behaving correctly. This is because the failure is not notifying the user throught the GUI. This is a generic error what could be covering a wilde array of plugins but would likely be affecting the Greenhopper 5.8 plugin upgrade.
The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log
[sal.core.upgrade.DefaultPluginUpgradeManager] Upgrade error
A plugin upgrade, likely Greenhopper 5.8, has failed and needs to be looked into from an Atlassian support technician
Please contact and log a ticket in for a support engineer to analyse your problem and see how it could be best resolved.
Ensure you have attached the entirety of your latest JIRA logs ({{$JIRA_HOME/log/atlassian-jira.log}})
Also your application server log files:
- UNIX: {{$JIRA_INSTALL/logs/catalina.out}}
- Windows: {{$JIRA_INSTALL/logs/stdout}} and {{stderr}}
- If in doubt, please attach everything, problems are resolved much faster when logs are provided.