Image attachments are not displayed in emails

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Images attached to issues for which you’re getting notifications should be displayed for 7 days (by default) from receiving a notification. If they’re not, here are some things you can try to get this fixed.

Adding Jira to Google’s allowlist

This applies only if you’re using Gmail. Gmail uses Google’s secure proxy server to serve the images you’re getting, just so you’re protected from any image-based security vulnerabilities. If your Jira URL is not allowlisted in Google, the images won’t be displayed.

How to fix this:

Connecting to VPN

Image attachments use security tokens that let us check whether you should be allowed to view the images at all. If you're not connected to your company's VPN, we can't really check much, so we'll display an alternative text instead of the image.

How to fix this:

  • Make sure you’re connected to VPN.

  • If you’re getting a substitute image that says you should log in to Jira, also try doing that.

Image token expired

If you’re looking at a notification received more than 7 days ago (this time frame can be different in your Jira instance), the image’s security tokens might have already expired, so we'll display a substitute image instead, instructing you to log in to Jira. If your email client already cached the original attachment, it will be displayed. 

How to fix this:

  • You’ll need to log in to Jira to view the image directly in the issue.

Using S/Notify S/MIME Email Encryption add-on for Jira

If you are using the plugin, images may not be shown in Microsoft Outlook mail clients. For more information, refer to this Microsoft Tech Community page: Tipp for S/MIME Error: “External Content is not allowed in Secure eMail”

Last modified on May 3, 2022

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