Unable to Load a Service Descriptor for a Job

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During the JIRA startup, the following error appears in the atlassian-jira.log:

2012-04-16 16:16:21,113 QuartzWorker-1 ERROR ServiceRunner    upmPluginUpgradeCheckJob [sal.jira.scheduling.JiraPluginSchedulerService] Unable to load a service descriptor for the job 'upmPluginUpgradeCheckJob'. This is usually the result of an obsolete service that can removed in the Administration section.


A service (Administration > System > Services) that was used in a previous version of JIRA has became obsolete and is no longer required.


  1. Go to Administration > System > Services.
  2. Take a screenshot to keep track of those settings, in case the incorrect service is accidentally deleted.
  3. Delete the service(s) (in this example, upmPluginUpgradeCheckJob).
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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