Unable to drag and drop issues between the columns on the board
Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
This article mentions details of the scenario when the drag and drop option on the board does not work and returns a warning 'Something isn't letting us move <Issue-Key> to <status>. Ask your project administrator to check the workflow settings and transition conditions.'
Jira Cloud
Here are several factors to examine in order to determine the source of the problem:
Does the column with the issue contain multiple mapped statuses?
Does the column where the issue should be moved also have multiple mapped statuses?
Is there an existing transition between the issue's current status and the status in the target column?
Has a global transition been established for the destination status?
This situation may arise if there is no transition between the source and destination statuses. For instance, if Column A has two associated statuses (such as To-Do and In Progress) and Column B has only one (e.g., In Review), issues in the To-Do status cannot be moved from Column A to Column B via drag-and-drop if there is a transition from IN PROGRESS to IN REVIEW but not from To-Do to IN REVIEW. This is because there is no existing transition between these two specific statuses.
To address this issue, consider implementing one of the following suggestions:
Option 1:
Go to the workflow associated with the project (Project Settings-->Workflow).
Create a global transition for the target status, allowing incoming transitions from any existing status in the workflow.
Publish the changes made to the workflow.
This should enable drag-and-drop operations to function properly, as the target status now permits transitions from all workflow statuses.
Option 2:
Access the Board settings and go to Column Configuration.
Add a new column with the subsequent status mapped to it, ensuring that transitions exist. (For example, create a separate column with the "In Progress" status mapped to it so that issues can be dragged from the "To Do" column to the "In Progress" column and then from the "In Progress" column to the "In Review" column.)
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