Upgrade to version 7.2x of Jira

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


To help provide a detailed guide to help with the upgrade process of large scale and business critical Jira environments to Jira 7.2.latest. Other methods for upgrade also exist, see here: Upgrading JIRA applications


Before You Start

  • Check Jira 7.2 Supported Database Versions:
    • Oracle 12c
    • MySQL 5.5, 5.6
    • PostgreSQL 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014
  • Check plugin compatibility
    • Within your current installation of Jira, go to Administration > Add-ons > Manage add-ons. At the bottom of the page, there is a link for Jira update check.

    • Third-party plugins may have upgrade requirements, please ensure to be familiar with these requirements as it may require additional intermediate upgrade steps
  • Check other Atlassian product compatibility, see Application links version matrix. Jira 7.2 uses AppLinks 5.2.3, based on that, minimal versions for Jira 7.2 for other applications:
    • Bamboo 5.10+
    • Confluence 5.6+
    • Crucible/Fisheye 3.6+

    • Stash 3.4+
  • Review the Recommended Readings (links to the right)

Optimizing the Upgrade Process

These steps will help reduce the amount of time needed for the full upgrade process to complete

  • Disable Upgrade Index and Automated Upgrade Backup

  • (For Jira <= 7.2.7) Apply the workaround for JRA-61383. In large installations the upgrade rename of "Agile" fields to "Software" increases the length of your outage. Doing this via SQL is fast and low risk so long as you test your upgrade procedure in advance.


We strongly recommend performing your upgrade in a test environment first. Do not upgrade your production Jira server until you are satisfied that your test environment upgrade has been successful. If you have any problems with your test environment upgrade which you cannot resolve, create an issue at our support site so that we can assist you.

Details: Establishing staging server environments for JIRA applications.

On this page

Upgrade Steps for Jira Software

Before Proceeding

  • Using Jira Agile ? - Ensure to first upgrade the Jira Agile add-on to the latest version compatible with your version of Jira. Jira Agile version must be 6.4.5 or greater before proceeding.
  • Using Jira Service Management? - Ensure to first upgrade to Jira to version 7.0 and Jira Service Management to version 3.0 (or later in the 7.0.X and corresponding 3.0.X range)

  • Third-party plugins may have upgrade requirements, please ensure to be familiar with these requirements as it may require additional intermediate upgrade steps

Supported Database Versions:

  • Oracle 12c
  • MySQL 5.5, 5.6
  • PostgreSQL 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014

Upgrading to Jira Software 7.0.latest

Required if upgrading from Jira 6 with Service Management. Skip to next section if not using Service Management.
  1. Stop the current Jira instance
  2. Make a copy of the Jira database to a new database
  3. Make a copy of the Jira_HOME to a new location
  4. Please check that all Jira bundled plugins are enabled (eg: jira-importers-plugin). Check pluginstate table. 
  5. Remove the plugins/ folder located in the new Jira_HOME
    1. Performing the upgrade without plugins has been found to be more reliable and faster
    2. If you run Jira DataCenter, also remove (and backup) <Shared>/plugins/ folder 
  6. Modify the dbconfig.xml file in the newly copied Jira_HOME
    1. Configure the file to point to the newly copied database
  7. Download the latest Jira Software 7.0.x Archive version
  8. Extract the Jira Software 7.0.latest archive to a new target Jira_INSTALL folder
  9. Configure your Jira Home folder path and point to the newly copied Jira_HOME
  10. Create a jira-config.properties file in your Jira Home folder (Edit the jira-config.properties file in Jira server) and add the options below:

    1. If the file already exists, simply add these lines to the start of the file
    2. These parameters will disable the automated upgrade backup and automated index after upgrade
  11. Copy memory allocation settings and any other custom parameters you deem necessary from the previous installation to the new one, as described in Setting properties and options on startup
  12. Start Jira and review the logs to ensure the upgrade completed successfully.
  13. Navigate to Cog Icon > Applications > Version & Licenses.
  14. Click on Install in the Jira Service Management application. This should install version 3.0.11
  15. Re-install plugins via the Cog Icon > Add-ons > Find new add-ons
    1. If prefered, upload the add-ons manually via Cog Icon > Add-ons > Manage add-ons > Upload add-on

      Not all plugins are compatible with Jira 7.2.latest. Ensure to verify compatibility first!
  16. Test and ensure that the instance is functioning to satisfaction
    1. Perform a 
  17. Proceed to next section for upgrading to 7.2.latest

Upgrading to Jira Software 7.2.latest

  1. Stop the current Jira instance
  2. Make a copy of the Jira database to a new database
  3. Make a copy of the Jira_HOME to a new location
  4. Remove the plugins/ folder located in the new Jira_HOME
    1. Performing the upgrade without plugins has been found to be more reliable and faster
    2. If you run Jira DataCenter, also remove (and backup) <Shared>/plugins/ folder 
  5. Modify the dbconfig.xml file in the newly copied Jira_HOME
    1. Configure the file to point to the newly copied database
  6. Download Jira Software 7.2.latest Archive version
  7. Extract your Jira Software 7.2.latest to a new target Jira_INSTALL folder
  8. Configure your Jira Home folder path and point to the newly copied Jira_HOME
  9. Create a jira-config.properties file in your Jira Home folder (Edit the jira-config.properties file in Jira server) and add the options below:

    1. If the file already exists, simply add these lines to the start of the file
    2. These parameters will disable the automated upgrade backup and automated index after upgrade
  10. Copy memory allocation settings and any other custom parameters you deem necessary from the previous installation to the new one, as described in Setting properties and options on startup
  11. Start Jira and review the logs to ensure the upgrade completes successfully
  12. If using Service Management, navigate to Cog Icon > Applications > Version & Licenses
    1. Update/Install the Jira Service Management application to the latest version
  13. Re-install plugins via file the Cog Icon > Add-ons > Find new add-ons
    1. If prefered, upload the add-ons manually via Cog Icon > Add-ons > Manage add-ons > Upload add-on

      Not all plugins are compatible with Jira 7.2.latest. Ensure to verify compatibility first!
  14. Test and ensure that the instance is functioning to satisfaction
  15. Restart Jira
  16. Perform a 

Bugs Fixed in Jira Software 7.2


Javascript errors when dragging issues on Kanban board


Project Import fails due to SprintAO does not have field GOAL


DVCS Connector not syncing - "WaitForAO" java.lang.NullPointerException


Project Reports Fails for MultiSelect on Clicking Configure


Third-party apps that create multiple subtasks as part of workflow operations may trigger LexoRank deadlocks


Agile boards do not render with Tempo Timesheets 8.0


Lexorank making quick create issue not quick


LexoRank database query performance is slow due to the way the field is constructed


Getting an error when removing an issue from Active Sprint


Quick filter is not remembered after navigating to another board


JIRA Agile Kanban board shows a "Unresponsive script" warning in Firefox


JIRA Agile performs slowly when using Microsoft SQL Server


Jira Data Center Installation guide incomplete about copying cache folder to shared home


Updating jira documentation about (no downtime) phrase


Request for documentation review: Connecting to an LDAP directory


Documentation incorrectly says that NFS for shared storage isn't supported


Managing users documentation is ambiguous in regards to the term 'administrator'


Misleading / Incorrect Global permission for Outgoing mail configuration indicated in the documentation


JIRA Installation Documentation - Connect Database Review


Update Reserved Words section for JQL Searching KB


Captcha appears warped and unreadable and chart gadgets that print graphics show garbled text and weird symbols when running JIRA in Linux


Update additional UTF parameter in the JIRA startup documentation


Misleading JIRA Core Documentation on Versions


Configuring JIRA application options doc incorrect defaults


Header menu do not work on view issue page on Firefox 50.1 or above


Pipe (|) in the beginning of an e-mail's body makes it so that the comment is not inserted properly on a issue


Active user count recalculates for every JIRA's inactive user during user synchronisation


Duplicate fields when creating Issue from Project Does Not Exist page


Update to a version of the HipChat plugin that contains a fix for HC-32766


CVE-2016-6668 - The HipChat plugin for various products leaks the secret key it uses to communicate with a linked HipChat instance.


Concurrency problems with project and issue related REST APIs


Update/certify JIRA Charting Plugin for compatibility with JIRA 7.2


Update/certify JIRA Calendar Plugin for compatibility with JIRA 7.2


Secure SSL flag does not work when using Delegated LDAP


Upgrade bundled Java to 8u101+


When opening issues, that contain sub-tasks, the view is automatically positioning at the sub-task area


Dashboard fails to load with error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'left' of null" appears in the browser console


JIRA 7.2 RC02 throwing Errors for MySQL


Sub-Task items broken in JIRA Local Help


Columns order changed by JIRA randomly for newly saved filter


XSS in the jira-mobile plugin.


Components drop down menu on jira.atlassian.com broken


Cannot use the keyboard to navigate header dropdowns


Activity Stream: Translation error (german)


PDF images do not display correctly in high resolution / retina display clients


JQL suggestions popup is not closed sometimes when typing fast


When viewing a dashboard as a wallboard, the gadget table header background is white


IE 11 , attached PDF view in issue is broken


the hotkey g + i for "find issue" does not navigate to Issue navigator


Hiding Components field in field configuration breaks Components page in project admin


Correct misspelled getPrefences() to getPreferences() in file createdvsresolved-gadget.xml


JIRA Background Reindexing fail due NullPointerException in fixupConcurrentlyIndexedIssues stage


Editing an issue collector causes browser to crash


JIRA with delegated LDAP directory connected through crowd does not auto synchronize user details and groups on first login


Deleting an issue security scheme does not remove it from issues and renders them inaccessible


Slow query in user picker : DefaultUserPickerSearchService


Gadgets server-to-server connectivity errors are swallowed, we should log them instead


Can not build JIRA 7.1 from source


In-product link to "Managing user access to JIRA applications" results in 404 Page Not Found


View Issue Collector admin page loads all issues into memory


PDF preview not working properly on IE11


Keyboard shortcuts triggering while typing into a user selector


Can't change assignee field in View Issue screen But can change in view screen with AllOpenIssue Filter.


HTML on workflow validation's failure messages not being rendered


7.1 bundled plugin versions missing from marketplace with newer plugin versions not compatible with 7.1


Column scrolling doesn't work in Issue Navigator


Broken Link to Documentation on Database Setup page.


Permission Scheme cannot be edited when it includes a single user


Inconsistent behaviour when anonymous user trying to reach existing and non existing issue


i18n English message is buggy - apostrophe should be doubled


Default Avatar is not displayed on Email Notifications


Atlassian-jira.log shows 'Dangerous use of multiple connection' warnings due to a process holding a database connection for longer than 5 minutes


Documentation for JIRA Data Center upgrade


Copy & paste multi line text to description or comment scrambles line breaks


List of users may be misplaced outside of browser window when using @mentions


Deleting an Issue Type can result in a NullPointerException when attempting to perform a number of actions within JIRA


Import progress page can sometimes return code 500 status if refreshed


Email notification shows broken image when there is no default image set in gravatar


A JIRA issue description is silently discarded if it contains a specific unicode character


Large Image Files (> 100MB) in avatar picker causing OOME


Specify logging level to Prevent Root DEBUG from Exposing Login


XSS in admin/ViewIssueFields.jspa


An attachment with an issue key in its file name cannot be rendered as an inline image in an issue


Sorting of Filter Results Gadget doesn't Work when Using More Than 3 "Order By" criteria

Suggestions Implemented in Jira Software 7.2


Ability to clone an issue without cloning Agile sprint information


Typo In Installing Jira On Linux Documentation Referencing Windows service


Request for documentation to be updated regarding Issue Status section in project summary page


Epic link on Agile Board should link to epic


Swimlanes by project


As a Rapid Board user I would like to see the Sprint the issue belongs in the detail view


As a user, I would like the Component field to show links for the values displayed in the Detail View (to be consistent with JIRA)


Inline-Editable Fields in the Issue Detail View


Ability to clone an issue without cloning Agile sprint information


Allow to edit/delete "Comments" in the Issue details panel


Ability to link to comment in JIRA View Issue from Agile detail view


Allow to delete attachments


Add ability to remove issue links on Detail view, not just add them


Ability to sort attachments in Agile detail view


Make fix version a link in the Agile board detail view


Add issue type as configurable field for Issue Detail View


Improve visibility of known issues of Jira and MySQL in documentation


Incorrect path in documentation


Update JIRA Supported Platforms page to prefer Java CPU releases rather than PSU


No Option to Select JIRA Version in Documentation


Implement Lucene in-memory index for users


Documentation Enhancement - "Update User attributes on Login" for Delegated LDAP Directories


Improve JIRA Installation Guide


Deleting a link removes reciprocal without regard


Add the ability to update issues via REST without sending notifications


Update 'Managing Nested Groups' page regarding Internal vs External groups


WYSIWYG / Rich Text Editor


CSV Export from the issue navigator

Known Problems

This is a one-time occurrence until Jira is restarted.
Upgrade to Jira 7.0.latest + Service Management 3.0.11 before then upgrading to Jira 7.2.latest.

Access the index admin page and use the Copy the Search Index from another node functionality.

Fixed as of Jira Core 8.19.1, 8.20.0

The workaround is to modify the export URL and set a value. Please refer to the bug report for full details.

Fixed as of Jira Core 7.4.0, 7.2.11, 7.3.9

Currently, Structure Plugin has been identified to be able to prevent Jira Data Center from locking the index. The structure has fixed this as of v3.3.3, please upgrade.

Workaround is to update the changes in the Jira database before upgrading. Please refer to the bug report for full details.
Fixed as of Jira Software 7.2.8

The problem is due to querying for unarchived versions. Ensure to archive any versions that are not actively used by the system to help improve speeds.
Managed Sprints PermissionUsers may experience Sprint permissions issues as Jira introduced the "Manage Sprints" permission. This may result in users noticing the inability to perform Sprint actions. If problems arise, please check the permissions for users:

Re-index Jira.
Fixed as of Jira Software 7.2.7

Using database native backup tools when creating backups. If it is required that Jira can generate backup XMLs, use the Oracle 11g driver.
Fixed as of Jira Core 7.2.7

Update bundled Oracle driver from to version

See workaround section in the ticket.

Fixed as of Jira Core 7.2.13, 7.6.4, 7.7.2, 7.8.0

See workaround section in the ticket. 

Fixed as of Jira Core 8.0

DescriptionTo help provide a detailed guide to help with the upgrade process of large scale and business critical Jira environments to Jira 7.2.latest. Other methods for upgrade also exist, see here: Upgrading JIRA applications



Last modified on Jan 29, 2025

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