User Management Troubleshooting
Platform Notice: Data Center - This article applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.
Note that this knowledge base article was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center knowledge base articles for non-Data Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
- 'Sorry, an error occurred trying to log you in - please try again' Message when Trying to Login in JIRA
- "No unique key mapping" error on login or failure to search user picker field
- Administrator Cannot Login After Reordering User Directories
- Associating users to Applications or Group ends up with
- Cannot Add Users to Groups Due to a Null Group Name
- Cannot remove user(s) from certain group membership(s)
- Cannot rename users despite upgrading to or installing JIRA 6
- Cannot select TimeZone - JVM returns differently formatted timezone
- Changing the User Display Name Attribute for LDAP Users in Jira
- Clicking on a Project's Workflow Tab Results in Step cannot be null
- Configuring LDAP Results in 'Unprocessed Continuation References'
- Connection to Crowd Fails due to URI-Reference required
- Count of active users is greater than the total number of users
- Differences between Connector and Delegated LDAP directories in Jira server
- Directory synchronization throws "Failed to map attribute <gidNumber>"
- Directory syncronization fails due to Unbalanced parenthesis
- Disabling a User Directory via JIRA database method
- Editing Existing JIRA Delegated Directory Throws Error 'Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException'
- External LDAP users fail to authenticate to Jira server
- Group memberships not updating after sync with external LDAP in Jira server
- Groups and Users maintained in Microsoft Windows Active Directory are not properly being added to JIRA
- Groups Have More than 200 Users Warning Message in Group Browser
- How to Bulk Add more than 100 users to a Group
- How to determine the Embedded Crowd version used for JIRA's User Management
- How to ensure JIRA keeps working if you change your Active Directory domain
- How to export LDIF with Microsoft LDIFDE
- How to remove groups from JIRA via the database
- How to rename users in JIRA 6.0+ in internal directory with LDAP authentication
- How to synchronize only users and not groups from Active Directory into Jira
- Incremental synchronisation failed due to cache returned different number of guids and users
- InvalidSearchFilterException: Empty filter when Synchronising LDAP
- Issues associated to users deleted from LDAP or crowd can not be reassociated to a different user
- JIRA Cannot Create Users when Crowd is Configured
- JIRA does not reflect changes to my Active Directory
- JIRA drops LDAP configuration - java.naming.provider.url property does not contain a URL
- JIRA Fails to Start after LDAP Configuration
- JIRA is Unable to Synchronise with LDAP or Crowd
- JIRA LDAP sync fails due to Too many rows found for query on User
- JIRA Requires Duplicate Logins when Selecting Items from a Gadget or the Activity Stream Due to Server Base URL
- Jira server throws directory is read-only error when adding users to groups
- Jira server throws DirectoryNotFoundException after migration from Cloud
- Jira stops authenticating Active Directory users with highestCommittedUSN error
- JIRA throws Internal Server Error when a user attempts a log in
- JIRA throws javax.naming.PartialResultException: Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s) during log in attempt
- JIRA Unable to Synchronize with Active Directory after upgrading to 6.4
- LDAP directory fails to synchronise with error "Error occurred while refreshing the cache for directory [ XXXXX ]. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Passed List had more than one value."
- LDAP Error Code 4
- LDAP Error Code 17
- LDAP Error Code 34
- LDAP Error Code 50
- LDAP failed to connect due to Unexpected SSLSocketFactory implementation
- LDAP sync fails with Request cancelled
- LDAP synchronization fails due to invalid search filter containing negation element (!)
- LDAP test succeeds but User authentication fails
- LDAP users and groups display unexpectedly in Jira
- List of Group Memberships per Directory
- Modifying LDAP username or SAMAccountName creates a new user account in Jira Data Center
- more than one row in the ExternalEntity table
- No Group Combo Box Shown in 'Edit User Group' Page Due to a Null Value on the Database
- NullPointerException when Selecting the User from the User Picker
- NullPointerException when Trying to Access the User Browser
- NullPointerException when user logs in to JIRA
- Profiling upon JIRA startup is not allowing user creation
- Remove a Jira group that has no name
- Reset a user's login count from the database in Jira server
- Skipping attribute objectGUID because its value <XXX> is not XML safe
- Token Timed Out when Resetting Password via Email
- Unable to browse users in JIRA
- Unable to Create Issues from Email or View Users in 'Manage Users' Due to Users with the Same Name
- Unable to Create or Edit Users and Groups
- Unable to deactivate users using Deactivate feature in Jira server
- Unable to delete user due to NullPointerException
- Unable to find the groupname of the principal error when connecting to an OpenLDAP/FedoraDS directory
- UserAlreadyExistsException thrown during user migration in Jira server
- User Directory Synchronisation Failed Due To Lexical Error
- User does not exist error when trying to edit or delete a user
- Usernames with Special or Invalid Characters Cannot be Deleted from JIRA
- Usernames with Umlaut characters cannot log in or be deleted in JIRA
- Users not able to log into JIRA using LDAP Connector AD.
- Using JIRA for user management - connected application has more users than JIRA