The children of this page contain information which is included in other pages. This is a library of re-usable information chunks.

If you want to change any of these pages, be aware that:

  • Changing page names is problematic — you will need to change all the {include} and {excerpt-include} macros manually.
  • The content is used in many places — make sure your change is generic enough to fit the contexts in which the pages are used.

To include an excerpt from a page:

{excerpt-include:_page name|nopanel=true} 

Note that the page titled '_page name' must contain the {excerpt} macro, otherwise the {excerpt-include} will not work.

To include the entire contents of a page"

{include:page name|nopanel=true} 
Children of this Page

  • No labels


  1. For articles that are related to supported platforms, but not part of the areas covered under our support policy, I guess we need to have a slightly modified version of _Note About Unsupported Platforms Content 

    The below two articles are two samples

    Too many open files error in Jira server

    Jira server process is unexpectedly terminated in Linux (Out Of Memory Killer)

  2. Making a note to self - we need a standard way of referring customers to either Sales or Support. A page inclusion could most likely achieve this for us.