Add or change issue sources in a plan
Add or change what workstreams are pulled into your plan.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
All of the processes described in this section require the Plans Administrator permission.
Add or change issue sources in a plan
Add or change what workstreams are pulled into your plan.
Set an exclusion rule in your plan
Exclude issues from your plan to keep your plan as focused as possible.
Change the number of completed issues in your plan
Change how many completed issues show in your plan.
Add and view custom fields in your plan
Show more information than just the default fields by adding custom fields to your plan.
Delete custom fields in your plan
Remove custom fields from your plan.
Change the date field used in your plan
Configure custom dates to use in your plan.
Change estimation units in your plan
Choose which unit to use (story points or time-based estimates such as hours or days) when estimating issues in your plan.
How your plan handles timezones
Your plan handles timezones differently than the rest of Jira. Let's break down the details.
Use sequential or concurrent dependencies in your plan
Configure how your plan creates and manages dependencies.
Types of permissions in your plan
Learn more about the types of permissions found in your plan.
Limit who can edit and view your plan
Manage who can access and edit your plan.
Manage inherited permissions in plans
Manage which plans permissions are granted to users based on Jira global permissions.
Configure the auto-scheduler in your plan
Configure which fields the auto-scheduler can overwrite and whether to fill empty fields or all fields in your plan.
Performance recommendations for your plan
Your plan loading slowly? Get some tips on how to improve the performance of your plan.
Delete or archive your plan
Delete or archive your plan once you're done with it
Duplicate your plan
Copy an existing plan to create a new one.
Limitations of team-managed projects in your plan
Learn more about the limitations of including team-managed projects in your plans.
Limits on plan size
Learn the limits on how big your plan can be, and how exceeding them impacts your expereince.
Update plan information
Update the name of your plan, as well as change who's designated as the plan lead.
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