Legacy form FAQ
FAQ: Form Templates
A: Will existing form templates be automatically upgraded to New form templates?
No, not at this time.
B: How can clients convert an existing form template to a new form template?
To convert an existing legacy form to the new form template format you will need to copy the form template as a new form. To do this, go to Project Settings, and select ProForma Forms. Click on the Create Form button and click Existing Form. After using the dropdown menus to select the indicated form, click Create. The form will open in the standard form builder. Once you’ve saved the new form template you can delete the original Legacy form template. Deleting the template will not impact existing forms on Jira issues.
C: Will the Legact Form Builder continue to be supported?
Yes, for now. However, new features such as new automation rules, question types or settings will not be added to the Legacy Form Builder. We will review whether to decommission the Legacy Form Builder in the future.
D: Can form templates created in the new format (either from scratch or copied) be converted to Legacy form templates?
No. Forms created in the new format cannot revert to being Legacy forms.
E: Is the data structure likely to change again?
No. While we may add extensions to the new form format data structure, we do not anticipate any fundamental changes to the structure for the next five years.
FAQ: Forms on Issues
Forms attached to an issue contain both the form template/design, and the user’s responses to the questions. A copy of the form template is made at the time the form is attached to the issue/request.
A: What about existing Legacy Forms on Jira issues?
Existing Legacy forms on issues will not be changed and will continue to be supported. The data structure of these existing forms will not change.
B: Has the data structure changed between Legacy Forms and the new form format?
Yes. The form data is still stored on an issue in entity properties; however, the data structure is different. The ADF data structure extends Atlassian’s Data Format, which Atlassian uses for Confluence pages. You can view the new data structure in the Issue JSON tab of the form builder.
C. What will happen with existing scripts that I've created to work with my client’s ProForma forms?
Any scripts you have written to interact with your existing Plain forms will continue to function. They will also continue to work if you use a Legacy form template to create a form on an issue. However, your scripts will need to be updated to work with the ADF form structure. The new form builder includes a "Issue JSON" tab that will allow you to see how the data is stored, so you can begin updating your scripts.
E: Will my Legacy Forms be automatically converted across to the new format?
No. We do not plan on automatically upgrading Legacy Forms at this time.
F: Will the new forms work in all browsers?
All browsers except IE11. Please note that IE11 is not officially supported in the new form builder and form system. If your clients rely on IE11 you will need to remain on version 7.3.x of ProForma and not upgrade to version 8.