The Atlassian Marketplace offers hundreds of plugins that enhance and extend Atlassian applications, including JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Stash, Crucible, and FishEye. In many cases, it's the day-to-day users of the applications who know best which plugins can help them get their work done.
The Atlassian Marketplace page is a plugin discovery and request tool that integrates into Atlassian applications. It gives users of those applications an easy way to find plugins they need. And with a few clicks, they can let their administrators know about it.
From anywhere in the application, open your profile menu and click Atlassian Marketplace.
The Atlassian Marketplace page appears. There you can browse available plugins, see what other users have requested, and request plugins yourself.
Use the search box to find specific plugins or the category menus to browse or filter by a type of plugin.
Click the Request button next to a plugin to request that plugin. This brings up a text box, where you can type a personal message for your administrator.
When you click submit, your administrator gets notified of the request, and may choose to install the plugin, test it, or wait to see if more requests come in before deciding.
After submitting the request, you can go back and update it at any time. Updating the request gives you a chance to modify the message for your administrator. Click the Update Request button next to the plugin listing in the Marketplace to modify the message to your administrator.
What do your administrators see when you submit a plugin request? From the request administration page, they can see how many users have requested a plugin. If they expand the request plugin details, they can see the personal message from each.
From there, your administrator can purchase the plugin, just try it out for now, or dismiss the plugin requests. Resetting plugin requests resets the request count to 0.