This documentation relates to an earlier version of the Universal Plugin Manager.

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To remove a plugin from your application, you can uninstall it through the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). If you only want to temporarily remove it, you may choose to disable your plugin instead.

Uninstalling a plugin permanently removes it from your application and file system.

Uninstalling a plugin with the UPM

To uninstall a plugin:

  1. As an administrative user, navigate to the Manage Plugins page.
  2. Find the plugin you want to uninstall in the installed plugin list by searching or browsing to the plugin.
  3. Click on the plugin to open its details view.
  4. Click the Uninstall button.
  5. Confirm the operation by clicking Continue.

When finished, a notice appears in the plugin details view indicating that the plugin was successfully uninstalled. 

Uninstalling a plugin manually

In rare cases, you may need to uninstall a plugin manually. This could be the case, for example, when troubleshooting plugin operation.

You can uninstall a plugin manually by removing the JAR file from the file system. The exact location from which you need to remove the JAR file varies by application. The following instructions use JIRA as an example. For information on removing plugins from other applications, see the documentation for the host application.

  1. Shut down the application instance.
  2. Remove the JAR file from the plugins directory applicable to your host application. For example, in JIRA:
    • If you are removing a 'Version 1' plugin, remove the jar from your JIRA installation directory under:
    • If you are removing a 'Version 2' plugin, remove the jar from your JIRA installation directory under:
  3. Start up the application instance.
  4. Go to Administration > Plugins and confirm that the plugin no longer appears in the list.


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