Can Jira Epic-only projects be hidden from the selection in a Jira Align Feature?

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In a Jira Align, when a new Feature is created, and the Primary Program has been set to one that is Jira integrated, then the Jira Project(s) multi-select field becomes available. Clicking in the Jira Project(s) field displays a list of projects for selection. The displayed list of Jira projects will include both Epic-only "Program Projects" and Story-only "Team Projects". The following diagram illustrates how Jira has been configured:


Is it possible to configure Jira Align so that the Jira Project field in the details of a feature do not show Story-only "Team Projects" for selection? 


Jira Align


There is no current way to filter the Jira projects field in a feature so that story-only "Team Projects" are hidden. The following points should aid in understanding this limitation. 

  • The Primary Program dropdown field in a Jira Align feature is populated with each and every Jira Align Program available
  • Once a Jira Integrated Project is chosen as the Primary Program, then the Jira project field is populated by what is set against the Primary Program in Settings > Jira Settings > Management Projects, regardless of whether they are a "Program project" or to a "Team project". 
  • There is no specific field in Jira that indicates if a project is being used as a "Program Project" or a "Team Project" so Jira Align has no way to automatically determine if it is a "Program Project" or a "Team Project"
  • There is no ability in the Jira Align > Jira Settings > Manage Projects page to indicate the use of the Jira Project that has been integrated
  • If either Jira or Jira Align had a setting to define the use of the project, then
    • as there are supported Jira configurations where Epics and Stories exist in the same Jira project, the concept of a "Mixed Project" would also be needed
    • the Jira Project field when creating Stories in Jira Align would need to have a similar filter (just not showing "Program Projects")  

Last modified on Feb 23, 2024

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