In Jira Align, a permission error is displayed when loading the Objectives grid

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While trying to load the Objectives grid, a permissions message relating to shared filters is shown (as provided in the following image)


Jira Align


  • Verified the role of the User logged in and the issue occurred even for a user with the Super Admin Role.

  • The owner of the objective was also a Super admin user and the error was also seen by the owner.


The logged-in user was not a member of Portfolio where the Objective is, but as the role of logged-in user has full access, we still can see the Objective record. We see the error "Not all shared filters could be applied to the page view." behind the Objective.


  1. Go to Settings/Administration > Portfolio and find the portfolio where the Objective is mapped.

  2. Open the Portfolio details and go to the Members tab

  3. Find the affected users and add them to the list

  4. Get the affected users to logout and log back into Jira Align.

  5. Re-open the page where the permissions message was displayed.

Last modified on Jan 31, 2024

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