Jira Align - "Team" column meaning in OKR Hub

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The interpretation of the "Team" column in the OKR Hub could cause confusion, as its meaning could be associated with identifying the value of the teams linked to the objective. The image shows the "Team" column discussed in this document.


The JA documentation OKR hub in the "Additional table columns" section reports the meaning of the "Team" column. This document tries to describe the expectations for this column.

Jira Align maintains multiple types of team that relate to the (org structure). The Team column in the OKR  displays the team that relates to where each objective was created, so it will  not always be an Agile or Kanban Team.

For the Tier Team, the "Team" column represents the Team associated with the objectives.
For the Tier Program, the "Team" column represents the Program Team associated with the objectives. (You can add an Agile Team to a program objective, but it is optional and is not the intention to have it in the 'Team' column.)

For the tier Portfolio, the team is not shown in the portfolio objective slide-out, but what is shown is the Portfolio where the Objective Portfolio is created.

In the image you can see the 'Objective_program' objective created with two teams and a Program associated as primary. The "Team" column reports the Program Team under which an objective is created and not the two teams set in the Teams field.

Last modified on Aug 1, 2024

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