Unable to create Epic in Jira from Jira Align
When we create a Feature in Jira Align, and select the appropriate Jira project field, it doesn't create the Epic in Jira.
The below error message is seen in the Features audit log while trying to create or sync with Jira and create an Epic:
"Unable to create issue: 400:Bad Request, reporter: Field 'reporter' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."
Jira Align
For Jira and Jira Align work items to sync, we need the API service account the Jira Connector is using to have modified permissions on the Jira Project.
- Check if the Jira project and Jira Align program are mapped properly in Jira Settings > Manage Projects
2. Verify the Jira Align Feature has the proper Jira project mapped.
The Jira project used in JA Feature is missing the reporter permission needed to create/sync this Feature from Jira Align to Jira.
Make sure the user has "Modify Reporter" permission. To check this, please follow the below steps.
On Jira software, open the project where you want that Feature to be created.
Open Project Settings and click on Permissions.
Search for "Modify Reporter" and identify Users/Groups/Project Roles mapped to Modify Reporter
Add the user to "Modify Reporter" or add to one of the Project Roles mapped to Modify Reporter
After making the above changes, sync the Feature from Jira Align > Settings > Jira Settings > Jira Integration by selecting the Project and executing JQL query IssueType='Epic'
NOTE: To troubleshoot for permissions in Jira project, the user must have Administrator permission.