Warning "Jira Align team sprints are not mapped in calendar order" after syncing Jira Board

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This article outlines the possible solution(s) to resolve the warning message  “Jira Align team sprints are not mapped in calendar order. Verify that your mappings are correct.” seen in the Jira Sprints tab under the Jira Connector Jira Management page.


Jira Align


Under Jira Align's Administration > Jira Management > Jira Sprints tab, the following message is displayed when you hover over the warning icon.


By default, the connector maps the first integrated sprint based on the end date and all following sprints based on the order of the sprints on the Jira board. If a new sprint has been created later with an older date than the previous one, or the ordering of existing sprints has changed, then the mapping is not considered to be in calendar order.

In the example above, the order of Sprint 2 is before the one of Sprint 1, and its end date is after the dates of Sprint 1.


For sprints that are still open, it's possible to swap them to the correct order in the UI. To resolve this warning message for closed sprints Jira API can be used:

  1. Check the order and the dates of the Sprints in the Board using the Jira API
    (eg: <https://alignsupport.atlassian.net/rest/agile/1.0/board/402/sprint)

  2. Swap the position of two Sprints to change the order of the sprint on the board using the Jira API
    with the POST request body:

    { "sprintToSwapWith": <sprintId2> }

  3. Now, check again the order and the dates of the Sprints in the Board using the Jira API
  4. Resync the board in Jira Align to see the new order:

The original warning “Jira Align team sprints are not mapped in calendar order. Verify that your mappings are correct.”  is now gone and only remains the unrelated ones.

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Last modified on Mar 2, 2024

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