Can SLA's have multiple cycles?
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Project admins can configure SLAs to start, pause, and stop based on various conditions. After an SLA has stopped and if one of the start conditions is detected again, the SLA will be reset to start a new cycle.
The past cycle will be displayed in the SLAs panel in the issue view, underneath the SLA’s name. Use the expand icon to view the past cycles. There will be each SLA cycle for each SLA reset.
Past SLA cycles show only in the agent view and aren’t available in the customer view.
Here’s how past SLA cycles are displayed in the agent view. The SLA has two past cycles:
- The first cycle where the SLA wasn’t breached, and 3 minutes passed.
- The second cycle where the SLA was breached, and 35 minutes passed.