Can't add Custom field to a certain Request type form

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This article addresses the issue of being unable to add a custom field named "TestID" to a specific request type form in Jira Service Management. Despite the field being available in the project, issue type, and screen configurations, it does not appear in the request type form.

  • Upon searching for the field we are presented with an error "Fields unavailable in the issue view1
    These fields will not be available in the issue view even if you drag them to the issue layout as the context and configuration aren’t applicable to this project. See why fields aren’t visible in the issue view."


  • Project: JSM Project
  • Issue Type: Incident
  • Custom Field: TestID <Any Custom Field>
  • Request Type: <Any Request type>
  • Platform: Jira Service Management (Cloud)


  • The custom field "TestID" is configured correctly in the project, issue type, and screen settings.
  • The field is not visible in the request type form for the specified issue type.
  • Errors indicating fields are unavailable in the issue view despite being correctly configured.
    • Checked Field Configuration: Ensured that the custom field is associated with the appropriate field configuration. Field configurations determine which fields are available for specific issue types and projects. Made sure that the field configuration associated with the custom field includes the relevant project and issue types.
    • Check Field Context: Custom fields in Jira have contexts, which define the projects and issue types where the field is available. Verified that the field's context is global and issue type you are working with. Hence, the context is set correctly, the field should be visible in the issue view for that project.


The issue arises because the custom field "TestID" is not correctly configured to appear in the specified request type form, despite being available in the project's settings. This can be due to context settings or misconfigurations in the request type form setup, it might not be properly synchronized with the specific request type form, causing it to be a failed attempt while adding the field to the issue view.


  • Re-Save Field Context:

    • Navigate to the custom field configuration in Jira.
    • Open the context for the "TestID" field.
    • Save the context again without making any changes to refresh the configuration.
  • Verify Screen Configuration:

    • Ensure that the "TestID" field is included in the screen associated with the "Incident" issue type.
    • Navigate to Project Settings > Screens.
    • Check the screen used by the "Incident" issue type and confirm the "TestID" field is present.
  • Edit and Save Request Type:

    • Go to Project Settings > Request Types.
    • Edit the intended request type.
    • Save the request type without making changes to refresh its configuration.
  • Check Field Configuration Scheme:

    • Ensure the field configuration scheme associated with the project includes the "TestID" field.
    • Navigate to Issues > Field Configurations.
    • Confirm the "TestID" field is marked as visible and not hidden.
  • Review Custom Field Context:

    • Navigate to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom Fields.
    • Locate the "TestID" field and verify its context includes the "Incident" issue type and the intended project.
Last modified on Jun 24, 2024

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