Cloning an Issue with subtasks gives the error "Caught BatchUpdateException".
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
While trying to Clone an Issue including SubTasks getting the below error:
- Response got in the Network Tab under Browser Tools:
"result": "Caught BatchUpdateException for insert into \"public\".\"jiraissue\" (\"created\", \"creator\", \"effective_subtask_parent_id\", \"id\", \"lifecycle_state\", \"issuenum\", \"priority\", \"project\", \"pkey\", \"reporter\", \"soft_archived\", \"issuestatus\", \"summary\", \"issuetype\", \"updated\", \"votes\", \"watches\", \"workflow_id\")\nvalues (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
- If a standard issue has Summary containing equal to or more than 255 characters, while cloning below error is encountered which does not allow to perform Cloning operation
Any of the subtasks linked to the issue have Summary containing equal to or more than 255 characters.
Make sure the summary for the sub-tasks has a maximum of 245 characters so there is enough space to add the cloning prefix. If the summary has 255 characters, which is the limitation, the automation won't be able to add the CLONE - tag in front of it, and it will fail.