Duplicate Statuses show up in ShowConstantsHelp.jspa

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


When clicked upon "Learn more about Priority Levels" or "Learn more about issue types", ShowConstantsHelp.jspa page opens up and shows summary of all issue types, Priority levels and Statuses available in Jira site. In Statuses usually duplicate statuses are seen.


Jira Cloud


The reason few statuses appear multiple times is because, this page shows collective summary of both company and team managed projects. We know Statuses in company managed are shared between multiple company managed projects, however this is not the case with Team Managed projects. Each Team managed project is unique and its entities like workflows, statuses etc can be completely exclusive of company managed projects. 

Therefore, if a status example "To Do" is used in company managed projects (i.e available at https://whisperer.atlassian.net/secure/admin/ViewStatuses.jspa), and it also created in any team managed projects to be used there, it will show twice on the ShowConstantsHelp.jspa.

Last modified on Jan 12, 2024

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