Error while closing Sprint - "Failed to complete sprint Sprint cannot be completed as there are incomplete subtasks on following issues: <Issue_Key>"
Error Failed to complete sprint Sprint cannot be completed as there are incomplete subtasks on following issues: <Issue_Key>" encountered while completing a Sprint on Scrum Board
Jira Software Cloud
Subtask linked to the Parent issue are transitioned to a status which is Done status category however the Done category status is not mapped to the Last column of the Scrum Board
- Open the issue key mentioned in the exception.
- Open the linked subtask, the subtask must be mapped to a status which is Done status category.
- Open "Configure Board → Columns, the subtask status must be under "unmapped status" in Map Statues to Columns section
- Add the Subtask status to the Right most column of the Board.
- Try to complete the Sprint, the exception should be resolved and the sprint should be completed.