Error while closing Sprint - "Failed to complete sprint Sprint cannot be completed as there are incomplete subtasks on following issues: <Issue_Key>"


Error Failed to complete sprint Sprint cannot be completed as there are incomplete subtasks on following issues: <Issue_Key>" encountered while completing a Sprint on Scrum Board


Jira Software Cloud


Subtask linked to the Parent issue are transitioned to a status which is Done status category however the Done category status is not mapped to the Last column of the Scrum Board


  1. Open the issue key mentioned in the exception.
  2. Open the linked subtask, the subtask must be mapped to a status which is Done status category.
  3. Open "Configure Board → Columns, the subtask status must be under "unmapped status" in Map Statues to Columns section
  4. Add the Subtask status to the Right most column of the Board.
  5. Try to complete the Sprint, the exception should be resolved and the sprint should be completed.

Last modified on Aug 22, 2024

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