Error while issue creation: <Field Name>: Specify a valid value for the <Field Name>. The allowed values are, -1.


Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


When creating a new issue, the users see an error that the specified field is mandatory. However, when they select the drop-down to populate the field, there are no values to be selected.

In some cases, the below error might be displayed as well:

<Field Name>: Specify a valid value for the <Field Name>. The allowed values are, -1.


Jira Cloud


Upon checking the field details under Settings > Issues > Custom fields, we find that this field has multiple field contexts setup, however, there are no values defined for the context being used.


Since we have multiple contexts for this field, below are the options to fix this:

Option 1:

Change the context to one that has values available for this field. To do this, click on Edit Context, and select the projects that should have this set of values for this field. Once you save this context, you should be able to create issues, and when you populate this field, the values configured above will be available for selection.

Option 2:

You may add values in the context that's already being used for this field. To do so, click on Edit Options and add the required values that should be available for the project(s) under this context.

Once these values are updated, they will be available for selection when this field is populated.

Last modified on Mar 29, 2024

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