Find who updated an issue recently in a project via the database

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Please be mindful that the information below pertains to a service that is outside of  Atlassian Support Scope. Any effort provided to support issues related to out of scope issues will be on a best-effort, as-is basis by the support engineer.

While this information can be checked in the Issue's Activity or History tabs, you may want to view this via the database. The query below can find the details on what was the recently updated issue for a project and who updated it along with the project, issue and user details.

WITH jis AS (
	select as project_id, 
			p.pname as Project_Name, 
			p.Projecttype as ProjectType,
			p.pkey as project_key, as last_issue_tobe_updated, 
			jira.issuenum as issuenum,
			p.Projecttype as Project_Type, 
			p.pcounter as Number_of_Issues, 
			p.lead as Project_Lead,
			cu.email_address as projectlead_email,
			jira.creator as creator,
			Issuecounttbl.Issuecount as Issuecount,
			jira.updated as Last_issue_update,
			jira.created as Jira_created_date
	from (select as id, 
			ji.issuenum as issuenum, 
			ji.project as project, 
			ji.creator as creator, 
			ji.created as created, 
			ji.updated as updated, 
			row_number() over (partition by project order by updated desc) as rno 
			from jiraissue ji) jira 
	join (select project,
				count(*) as Issuecount 
			from jiraissue 
			group by project) Issuecounttbl on jira.project = Issuecounttbl.project 
	join Project p on jira.project = 
	join app_user au on au.user_key = p.lead 
	join cwd_user cu on cu.lower_user_name = au.lower_user_name 
	where jira.rno = 1)
select final.Issueid, 
		concat(final.project_key,'-',final.issuenum) as last_issue_tobe_updated,
from (select tbltwo.* 
		from (select tblone.*, 
					row_number() over (partition by last_issue_tobe_updated order by last_updated_time desc) as ranknum
					--Find the latest issue update from jiraissue if the issue was just created
					(select jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as Issueid, 
							jis.Project_Name as Project_Name,
							jis.ProjectType as ProjectType,
							jis.project_key as project_key,
							jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as last_issue_tobe_updated, 
							jis.issuenum as issuenum, 
							jis.creator as last_user_to_update, 
							jis.Jira_created_date as last_updated_time, 
							jis.Issuecount as Number_of_Issues, 
							jis.Project_Lead as Project_Lead,
							jis.projectlead_email as projectlead_email_address,
							jis.Last_issue_update as Last_issue_update, 
							'Issue Creation' as Last_update_Action
					from jis 
	--Find the latest issue update from jiraaction if the issue had comments
	select jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as Issueid, 
			jis.Project_Name as Project_Name,
			jis.ProjectType as ProjectType,
			jis.project_key as project_key,
			jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as last_issue_tobe_updated, 
			jis.issuenum as issuenum, as last_user_to_update, 
			jaction.comment_updated_time as last_updated_time, 
			jis.Issuecount as Number_of_Issues, 
			jis.Project_Lead as Project_Lead,
			jis.projectlead_email as projectlead_email_address,
			jis.Last_issue_update as Last_issue_update, 
			'Comment Addition' as Last_update_Action
	from jis 
	join (select as author,
				jact.issueid as issueid, 
				jact.updated as comment_updated_time 
			from (select as author,
						ja.issueid as issueid, 
						ja.updated, row_number() over (partition by issueid order by updated desc) as rno 
					from jiraaction ja) jact 
			where jact.rno = 1) jaction on jaction.issueid = jis.last_issue_tobe_updated 
--Find the latest issue update from worklog if the last action on the table was adding worklog
	select jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as Issueid, 
			jis.Project_Name as Project_Name,
			jis.ProjectType as ProjectType,
			jis.project_key as project_key,
			jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as last_issue_tobe_updated, 
			jis.issuenum as issuenum, as last_user_to_update, 
			wrklog.comment_updated_time as last_updated_time, 
			jis.Issuecount as Number_of_Issues, 
			jis.Project_Lead as Project_Lead,
			jis.projectlead_email as projectlead_email_address,
			jis.Last_issue_update as Last_issue_update, 
			'Worklog Addition' as Last_update_Action
	from jis 
	join (select as author,
				wlog.issueid as issueid, 
				wlog.updated as comment_updated_time 
			from (select wl.updateauthor as author,
						wl.issueid as issueid, 
						wl.updated, row_number() over (partition by issueid order by updated desc) as rno 
					from worklog wl) wlog 
			where wlog.rno = 1) wrklog on wrklog.issueid = jis.last_issue_tobe_updated 
	--Find the latest change history from change group from either from comment delete or issue transition or any other such activity.
	select jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as Issueid, 
			jis.Project_Name as Project_Name,
			jis.ProjectType as ProjectType,
			jis.project_key as project_key,
			jis.last_issue_tobe_updated as last_issue_tobe_updated, 
			jis.issuenum as issuenum, as last_user_to_update, 
			cgroups.created as last_updated_time, 
			jis.Issuecount as Number_of_Issues, 
			jis.Project_Lead as Project_Lead,
			jis.projectlead_email as projectlead_email_address,
			jis.Last_issue_update as Last_issue_update, 
			'Change History Action' as Last_update_Action
	from jis 
	join (select as author,
				cgroup.issueid as issueid, 
				cgroup.created as created 
			from (select as author,
						cg.issueid as issueid, 
						cg.created as created, 
						row_number() over (partition by issueid order by created desc) as rno 
					from changegroup cg join changeitem ci on and ci.field not in ('WorklogId','timeestimate','timespent')) cgroup
			where cgroup.rno = 1) cgroups on cgroups.issueid = jis.last_issue_tobe_updated 
	order by last_issue_tobe_updated) tblone) tbltwo 
where tbltwo.ranknum = 1) final 
order by final.Number_of_Issues desc;
DescriptionJira SQL Reporting

Last modified on Mar 28, 2024

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