Getting "Could not parse AmazonRds message content. It is expected to be JSON. Discarding!" error


Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



When using the Amazon RDS integration in Opsgenie, the alert creation failed with the following error: "Could not parse AmazonRds message content. It is expected to be JSON. Discarding!"


Opsgenie with Amazon RDS integration


The cause for this issue is the "Enable raw message delivery" option in the Details section of the Subscription under Topics page would be enabled.
When the "Enable raw message delivery" option is enabled for HTTP/S endpoints, the HTTP header x-amz-sns-rawdelivery with its value set to true is added to the message, indicating that the message has been published without JSON formatting.
However the Amazon RDS integration expects the incoming data from this integration in the JSON format.


As a fix for this error, you have to disable the "Enable raw message delivery" option.
To disable this option you can navigate to AWS console -> Simple Notification Service -> Subscriptions -> Edit Subscription and uncheck the raw delivery option if it's enabled.
More details on raw message delivery can be found in the following document: Amazon SNS raw message delivery.

In case you need further support in this regard you can reach out to us via our Support Portal.

Last modified on Dec 28, 2023

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