How to add a default value to the Description field in Jira
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
Showing a pre-entered text in the Description field in Jira has been available since Jira 8.16 (release notes) through:
For previous versions, this how-to provides a workaround to achieve this. It works for the three operations: issue creation, issue edition and inline edition (editing from the view screen).
Note this solution is different than setting a placeholder text, which is somewhat grayed out and gets substituted by what the user types in.
All versions of Jira from 4.x up to 8.x.
The solution consists of editing a .vm file and restarting Jira. Note this change will be overwritten at every Jira upgrade, so keep record of this to reapply the changes as needed.
Locate and backup the file: WEB-INF/classes/templates/jira/issue/field/description-edit.vm
The file should look something like this:#disable_html_escaping() #customControlHeader ($action $ $i18n.getText($field.nameKey) $fieldLayoutItem.required $displayParameters $auiparams) ## setup some additional parameters $!rendererParams.put("class", "long-field") $!rendererParams.put("rows", "12") $!rendererParams.put("wrap", "virtual") #if ($mentionable) $!rendererParams.put("mentionable", true) #if ($issue.project.key && $issue.project.key != "") $!rendererParams.put("data-projectkey", "$!issue.project.key") #end #if ($issue.key && $issue.key != "") $!rendererParams.put("data-issuekey", "$!issue.key") #end #end ## let the renderer display the edit component $rendererDescriptor.getEditVM($!description, $!issue.key, $!fieldLayoutItem.rendererType, $!, $, $rendererParams, false) #customControlFooter ($action $ $fieldLayoutItem.getFieldDescription() $displayParameters $auiparams)
Edit it and add this code right before the "let the renderer display the edit component" line:
#if(!$description || $description == '') #set ($description = 'Put stuff here: ...\\Use double backslashes for braking lines: ...\\ \\ And a pair of them for skipping a line: ... \\ \\ \\ And so on: ...') #end
Change the 'Put stuff here: ...' by the default text you want to display.
- Save the file and restart Jira
The description should look like this, if the example text above is used:
Put stuff here: ...
Use double backslashes for braking lines: ...
And a pair of them for skipping a line: ...
And so on: ...