How to create generic table with ticket data in multiline text field using automation.

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This article guides users on creating a dynamic table in a custom field(Description, comment, etc) ideal for collating and presenting information from multiple issues. One such use case is when you would like to have list of all linked issues summarised in a table.


This can be achieved by creating an automation rule based on the following scenarios.

Scenario 1: When issue keys are already in list format.

In a situation where an automation rule in Jira generates a list of issue keys using the "Lookup Issues" action, please follow these steps: 

Generate the issue key list using lookup issues

  • Trigger: Issue Created
  • Add Action: Lookup issue and filter the tickets using JQL:
    • JQL: issuetype = bug
  • Use {{lookupIssues}}  to get the result
  • Add the Edit issue action and select multiline text field(Description, comment, etc), then use the below format to generate the table.

Formatted Code:

||*Ticket*||*Summary*||*CF value*||*Status Name*||
|{{.}}| {{Summary}}| {{single list}}|{{}}|

Automation rule:

Scenario 2: When the issue keys are stored in a field.

  • Trigger: Field value changed - select the field in which values are stored
  • Add Action: Send a web request and use the API endpoint to extract the ticket information: Search for issues using JQL (POST)

    • Pass the field name that stores the issue key

      URL: https://<your site>
      DATA {
          "jql": "Issuekey in ({{issue.<field name>.trim()}})"
  • Add Edit issue action: Select the multiline field(Description, comment, etc) and use the below code to generate the able.

Formatted Code:

||*Ticket*||*Summary*||*CF value*||*Status Name*||
|{{key}}| {{fields.Summary}}| {{fields.customfield_10077}}|{{}}|

Automation Rule:

This is how the results should look like :

Contact support if you have any additional questions 

Last modified on Jan 18, 2024

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