How to fix security tab not loading with error 'Unable to load xx containers. Retry'

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



In the security page, Synk containers will not load and show 'Unable to load containers. Retry'. Reloading the page does not resolve the issue. This behavior is reported in this bug (JRACLOUD-86800 - Security tab cant load some containers and throws error - 'Unable to load xx containers. Retry'). The purpose of this article is to provide a workaround on how to delete orphaned security containers linked to a Jira project.


The containers have been deleted from the Snyk side, and that matches our knowledge regarding orphaned containers (referred to on the Jira side but not in Snyk).


  1. Navigate to the Jira site Graphql interface  https://{JiraHost}/gateway/api/graphql

  2. Identify the specific ARIs of the relationship to be deleted, by projectAri and security-container-ari

    Note: To find the id of the Security-Vulnerability ARI, you can utilize the Network tab in your browser. Look for the request named mainSecurityInJiraQuery on the SiJ page. Within this request, locate the security container where the data is null, and then copy the id for the Security-Vulnerability ARI.

  3. Execute the Grapql query mutation below

    mutation deleteOrphanedSecurityContainer($input: AriGraphDeleteRelationshipsInput!) {
      devOps {
        ariGraph {
          deleteRelationships(input: $input) {
            errors {

      "input": {
        "from": {projectAri} // "ari:cloud:jira:eb21210d-5b89-41bd-930c-1a9fbf682652:project/10026",
        "to": {SecurityVulnAri} // "ari:cloud:jira:eb21210d-5b89-41bd-930c-1a9fbf682652:security-container/activation/f3c7f655-ef8c-428b-be8b-3b9da73d738e/",
        "type": "project-associated-to-security-container"


Last modified on Jan 31, 2025

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