How to list all fields and screens in use by a Project in Jira
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
As a Jira Admin, you may want to know all fields in use by a Project — or list all Projects and their respective fields.
This is particularly useful when carrying out clean-up routines in Jira, like assessing the impact of deleting certain custom fields in Jira.
You may also be interested in listing Projects and Field Configurations by Issue Types.
All versions of Jira Software Data Center and Server (not Cloud).
All versions of Jira Service Management Data Center and Server (not Cloud).
Fields configured in Screen Schemes and Workflow Schemes (DB)
Jira doesn't provide a UI (user interface) for such report, so we have to query the database directly:
WITH fields_from_screenschemes AS (
select distinct as "Project Id", p.pkey as "Project Key", fsli.fieldidentifier as "Field Identifier", coalesce(cf.cfname, fsli.fieldidentifier) as "Custom Field Name", as "Screen Name", coalesce(it.pname, 'DEFAULT') as "Issue Type", as "Scheme Name"
from project p
join nodeassociation na on na.source_node_id = and na.sink_node_entity = 'IssueTypeScreenScheme'
join issuetypescreenscheme itss on = na.sink_node_id
join issuetypescreenschemeentity itsse on itsse.scheme =
join fieldscreenscheme fss on = itsse.fieldscreenscheme
join fieldscreenschemeitem fssi on fssi.fieldscreenscheme =
join fieldscreen fs on = fssi.fieldscreen
join fieldscreentab fst on fst.fieldscreen =
join fieldscreenlayoutitem fsli on fsli.fieldscreentab =
left join customfield cf on concat('customfield_', = fsli.fieldidentifier
left join issuetype it on = itsse.issuetype
where 1=1
--and p.pkey in ('A', 'B', 'C')
--and fsli.fieldidentifier = 'customfield_123' and = 123
fields_from_workflows AS (
select distinct as "Project Id", p.pkey as "Project Key", fsli.fieldidentifier as "Field Identifier", coalesce(cf.cfname, fsli.fieldidentifier) as "Custom Field Name", as "Screen Name", coalesce(it.pname, 'DEFAULT') as "Issue Type", as "Scheme Name"
from project p
join nodeassociation na on na.source_node_id = and na.sink_node_entity = 'WorkflowScheme'
join workflowscheme wfs on = na.sink_node_id
join workflowschemeentity wfse on wfse.scheme =
join jiraworkflows wf on wf.workflowname = wfse.workflow
join fieldscreen fs on wf.descriptor like concat('%<meta name="">',, '</meta>%')
join fieldscreentab fst on fst.fieldscreen =
join fieldscreenlayoutitem fsli on fsli.fieldscreentab =
left join customfield cf on concat('customfield_', = fsli.fieldidentifier
left join issuetype it on = wfse.issuetype
where 1=1
--and p.pkey in ('A', 'B', 'C')
--and fsli.fieldidentifier = 'customfield_123' and = 123
SELECT s."Project Id", s."Project Key", s."Field Identifier", s."Custom Field Name", s."Screen Name", s."Issue Type", 'Screen Scheme' as "Source", s."Scheme Name"
from fields_from_screenschemes s
SELECT w."Project Id", w."Project Key", w."Field Identifier", w."Custom Field Name", w."Screen Name", w."Issue Type", 'Workflow Scheme' as "Source", w."Scheme Name"
from fields_from_workflows w
order by 5, 2;
The query above is an example based off Postgres syntax and lists all fields configured either in Screen Schemes or Workflow schemes.
You may uncomment and edit lines 15, 16, 31 and 32 to filter by specific Projects and/or Custom Fields.
This is an example output:
Project Id | Project Key | Field Identifier | Custom Field Name | Screen Name | Issue Type | Source | Scheme Name
10100 | KANBAN | description | description | KANBAN: Kanban Bug Screen | Bug | Screen Scheme | KANBAN: Kanban Issue Type Screen Scheme
10100 | KANBAN | customfield_10600 | Field 3 | KANBAN: Kanban Bug Screen | Bug | Screen Scheme | KANBAN: Kanban Issue Type Screen Scheme
10100 | KANBAN | reporter | reporter | KANBAN: Kanban Bug Screen | Bug | Screen Scheme | KANBAN: Kanban Issue Type Screen Scheme
10100 | KANBAN | customfield_10600 | Field 3 | Workflow Screen | DEFAULT | Workflow Scheme | KANBAN: Software Simplified Workflow Scheme
10100 | KANBAN | customfield_10500 | Some Field | Workflow Screen | DEFAULT | Workflow Scheme | KANBAN: Software Simplified Workflow Scheme
10100 | KANBAN | assignee | assignee | Workflow Screen | DEFAULT | Workflow Scheme | KANBAN: Software Simplified Workflow Scheme
It shows each field, the associated screen and whether it's configured in a Screen Scheme or Workflow Scheme.
- Screen Scheme means the field's used by the project for viewing, editing or creating issues
- Workflow Scheme means the field's configured in some workflow transition
Fields configured at issue creation (REST API)
Though Jira's REST API you may list all fields available at issue creation.
First, query the Project for it's issuetypes:
GET <Jira URL>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/<project Key or Id>/issuetypes
Then, for the issuetypes you need the fields available during creation, pass the issue type Id at the end:
GET <Jira URL>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/<project Key or Id>/issuetypes/<issue type Id>