How to retrieve linkedIssues of a particular issueLinkType

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


You would like to see all the issues with a particular "issuelinktype" through JQL.


Jira Cloud


There are different ways you could try to approach the solution, depending on your exact need.

  1. If you want to display the issue, where one of the issueLinkType of the linked issues in "has to be done before", then try the 1st JQL. Remember, this will not display the linked issues, but only the parent issues, which has the issueLinkType.     
  2. Now, if you want to display only the linked issues of a particular issueLinkType which is "has to be done before". You can run the 2nd JQL, where SPRIN-6 is the issue key. There is no direct way in Jira    now to display all the linked issues without passing all the parent issues in the JQL which should be done with an OR function.

project = SPRIN AND issuetype = Story AND issueLinkType in ("Child Link", "has to be done before")
issue in linkedIssues("SPRIN-6", 'has to be done before')

A more enhanced searching and retrieval of issueLinkType is possible through Adaptavist(Scriptrunner for Jira) and other third party tools.

Last modified on Apr 30, 2024

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