How to retrieve the filter subscription information from the Jira Server database
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
When migrating your Jira site from server to cloud, the filter subscriptions are not migrated. This is mentioned in our documentation here: migration article. This KB provides information on how to retrieve the filters along with the filter subscription information from the Server database so you can use the information to restore them manually post migration to Jira Cloud.
Jira Server (Migration path to Jira Cloud)
To obtain a list of filters that currently have subscriptions, you can execute the following query in the Jira server's database and retrieve the list of filters.
SELECT sr.filtername filter_name,
u.user_name subscriber_user_name,
u.email_address subscriber_email_address,
g.group_name subscriber_group_name
FROM filtersubscription f
INNER JOIN searchrequest sr
ON = f.filter_i_d
LEFT JOIN cwd_user u
ON u.user_name = f.username
LEFT JOIN cwd_group g
ON g.group_name = f.groupname