How to set Estimation statistics and Time tracking estimation in the Sprint Burndown Gadget


Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



This article explains how to set/change the Estimation Statistics/ Time tracking estimation in the Sprint Burndown Gadget.


Jira Cloud


Sprint Burndown Gadget helps to track remaining work. The estimation type(Y-axis) in the Sprint Burndown Gadget depends on the Estimation Statistics and the Time Tracking settings on the Scrum Board. 

  1. From your company-managed board, select more (•••) in the upper right corner of the board > Board settings.

  2. Select Estimation from the left-side menu.

  3. Adjust the estimation settings as you desire.

    1. Use the Estimation Statistic dropdown to change how issues are estimated on your board.

    2. Use the Time tracking section if you’d like to use a different method to track progress on your board. It’s common for teams to estimate work then track progress using two different methods.

      1. Selecting None uses what you’ve defined as the Estimation Statistic to track progress.

      2. Selecting Remaining estimate and time spent tracks progress by subtracting the value from the Time spent field from the original estimate. Learn more about logging time to issues.

If you want the Sprint Burndown Gadget to show Story points, set the Estimation Statistics to Story Points and Time Tracking to None.

Last modified on Sep 17, 2023

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