How to: Setup the user picker custom field should exclusively display only one default user

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This KB describes the steps to setup the user picker field such that the field should exclusively display only one default user value, with no additional user suggestions presented.




  1. Create a custom field with the type "User Picker".
  2. Assign a default value within the context of this field.

  3. Proceed to the user filtering section, enable either group or project filtering, and then include a group which only contains user(s) who are added to the default value list

  4. After taking this action, notice that the user filtering will display user of that group only

  5. As for the custom field on issues, only the default value(s) will be visible and no other values can be accessed or will be displayed.

Last modified on Mar 13, 2024

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