HowTo: Bulk Clear Resolution

Sometimes, a situation can cause Issues to be resolved (the Resolution field being set) when it wasn't actually desired. These instructions will provide a practical (if time-consuming) method to clear the Resolution field of these Issues. The steps include creating a transition and then bulk-editing your issues with this transition to clear the field value. Note that a transition will need to be added to each status in which Issues need to be updated.

1. Prepare your transition(s).

  1. Start by Editing your existing Workflow.
  2. In the Diagram view, click Add transition.
    1. To status and From status should have the same value, so the transition will be a loop (Issue status won't change);
    2. Name should indicate the action to be performed, e.g. "Clear Resolution".
  3. Click the new loop transition to display its properties, and click Post functions.
    1. click Add post function.
    2. select Update Issue Field and click Add.
    3. select Resolution and field value of None.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each status for which the Resolution field will need to be cleared.

2. Transition your Issues

As this will work for one Status at a time, completing the operation may require multiple iterations of the following steps:

  1. Using the Issue Navigator, locate the list of Issues you'll need to clear Resolution for

  2. Click Tools > Bulk Change (N Issues)
  3. Select Issues to change and click Next
  4. Select Transition Issues and click Next
  5. Select your newly created transition and click Next
    1. You can clear the 'Send mail for this update' checkbox to prevent email notifications from being sent
  6. In the operation summary screen, click Confirm to apply the changes

(info) Alternatively you can use Importing data from CSV to clear the resolution, for details check the Updating existing issues section on that page.

Last modified on Sep 21, 2022

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